SEVEN. quidditch woes

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[ philosopher's stone ]

      AS THEY ENTERED NOVEMBER, THE WEATHER TURNED VERY COLD. The mountains around the school became icy grey and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows, defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch pitch, bundled up in a long mole-skin overcoat, rabbit-fur gloves and enormous beaverskin boots.

The Quidditch season had begun. On Saturday, Harry would be playing in his first match after weeks of training: Gryffindor versus Slytherin. If Gryffindor won, they would move up into second place in the House Championship.

Hermione had become a bit more relaxed about breaking rules since Harry, Maya and Ron had saved her from the mountain troll and she was much nicer for it. The day before Harry's first Quidditch match the four of them were out in the freezing courtyard during break, and she had conjured them up a bright blue fire which could be carried around in a jam jar.

They were standing with their backs to it, getting warm, when Snape crossed the yard. Maya noticed at once that Snape was limping. The quartet moved closer together to block the fire from view; they were sure it wouldn't be allowed. Unfortunately, something about their guilty faces caught Snape's eye. He limped over. He hadn't seen the fire, but he seemed to be looking for a reason to tell them off anyway.

"What's that you've got there, Potter?"

It was Quidditch through the Ages. Harry showed him.

"Library books are not to be taken outside the school," Snape said. "Give it to me. Five points from Gryffindor."

"He's just made that rule up," Harry muttered angrily as Snape limped away. "Wonder what's wrong with his leg?"

"Dunno, but I hope it's really hurting him," Ron said bitterly.


      THE GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM WAS VERY NOISY THAT EVENING. The four gryffindors sat together next to a window. Hermione was checking Harry and Ron's Charms homework for them, while Maya was writing a letter to her sister.

Harry stood suddenly, looking determined which caused the other three to turn their attention toward him. "I'm going to ask Snape if I can have Quidditch Through the Ages back."

"Rather you than me," Ron and Hermione said together, but Maya put down her quill and stood also.

"I'll come too, as a witness if you will," she shrugged.

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