The Body

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Evelyn's 15 years old

My older brothers are fucking weirdos, not as in actual weirdos, but they have really important jobs that no one would probably want. My oldest brother, Will, he's a doctor in Chicago Med. I don't see him very often but I know he loves me so I don't mind. My older brother, Jay, he's a police officer with Chicago PD. I see him more than I see Will, due to the fact he can come in and out of the station whenever.

My dad always wanted Jay to be a doctor, and was furious when he found out he wasn't going to be one. My father insisted on me being one, I'd prefer to go into psychology though. I'm good at that kind of stuff.

When I come home from school there's usually a note on the table, telling me that there's left overs in the fridge or that Jay will be home very soon. But today it was different, Jay had picked me up and brought me to the station with him.

"Why are you taking me to the station?" I ask, he never lets me go unless it's urgent.

"I'm just busy at the moment and I won't be able to come home till later so I thought you could so homework in the pent or something"

I nod my head as we walk upstairs to the penthouse where I set my bag and start my homework.

"Listen I'll have someone come check on you every once in a while ok?" Jay tells me.

"Fine by me" I smile as he nods and walks away.

People smile, chat and nod to me as I do my homework with my AirPods in my ears. After about 3 hours I feel the need to go to the bathroom, I had a fizzy drink in school so that explains why. I take my AirPods out and set them on the table and I take my phone and make my way to the bathroom.

"Where you going missy?" A voice asks from behind me

I turn around and see Jay.

"Bathroom" I reply.

"Ah, I thought you were leaving, Will's gonna come and collect you in the next hour or two, I'm on late tonight" he informs me.

"Yea that's alright don't worry" I tell him as I smile as I walk to the bathroom.

On the way to the bathroom a really bad smell enters my nose. Like moldy soup or something. The Chicago PD bathrooms are just ones any can use, no male or female so I use the first one I see. I twist the handle on the door before furrowing my eyebrows.

The door wouldn't budge, I tried again but still it wouldn't budge. It wasn't locked as the sign was green, meaning it was empty, so I gave it one last try and used all my strength to open the door. It opened but I heard something fall. I looked on the floor and there it was, a body of a man Jay has been trying to find for months.

I put my hands over my mouth in shock. I had no idea what to do, I can't just do nothing, so I started running while shouting for Jay.

"JAY WHERES JAY!?" I shout at anyone.

"Woah woah woah what's wrong I'm here" he asks as he looks me dead in the eyes.

I see more people come up to him that I'm familiar with like Hailey, Adam and Voight. I take a deep breathe before I say anything.

"There's a body in the bathroom"

It was so quite you could hear a pin drop. Everyone in the rooms eyes looked at me as my quite voice announced the news.

"A-a body?" Hailey questions, in disbelief.

"It's the guy you've been trying to find for months the tall blonde guy" I tell him.

Jay looks up to Voight in utter shock before looking back at me. Then I realise what this looks like.

"I didn't do it I swear"

"We know you didn't Evelyn but we need you to stay away from all this for now" Voight tells me.

A few minutes later there's a clean up team and a bunch of detectives with cameras running to the bathroom. I decided I would sit outside on the curb and wait for Will. I had gotten a text from him saying he'd be here soon. I rest my head on my knees and I close my eyes.

I hear a door open but think nothing of it, just someone leaving the station, until the person sits next to me. I look up to investigate and it's Jay. He looks down as me and I smile as he pulls me in for a side hug.

"You were really brave today kid" he tells me.

"I just needed to piss" I say as I laugh.

Jay laughs with me as a car pulls up in-front of us. It's Will. Jay helps me put my bags in the backseat before sending me and Will home.

"So how was your day?" I asked him

"Busy but it was good, what about you? Stations seems crazy"

"Well, I just needed to piss but I ended up finding a dead body so, intriguing" I tell him as I look at the road in front of us.

His mouth open in shock. Funny

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