The Accident

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Evelyn is 15 in this!! <3

Evelyn's POV
Me and Jay decided we would just chill out at the house for the day as we were both lazy as fuck and it was a rainy day. Will was unfortunately at work today and was working till late tonight so that meant he'd probably be home by the time myself and Jay were asleep.

I was in my bedroom on my phone, scrolling through tiktok, when a wave of boredom washed over me and I decided to look up "fun things to do when your bored". The first video I saw was of two siblings having a soccer matcha nd the caption was "I was bored so I taught my sister how to play soccer".

I immediately became interested and laughed as I watched the two play and I decided it would be funny if I could get Jay to teach me soccer too. I was never and never will be a sports person but my two older brothers are. Considering our age difference, the two practically brought me up to be interested in sports but the efforts never worked and I became hypnotized by music and art instead.

I got out of my bed and walked downstairs to where Jay was sitting in the living room watching tv. I sit next to him and greet him.

"Hey Jay?" I ask


"Teach me how to play soccer" I tell him.

He did a double take before smiling widely at me and dragging me outside to the back garden. I giggle as we make our way outside and Jay grabs a ball.

"We'll start with the basics, I'll kick the ball to you and you kick it back to me with the inside of your foot like so"

He demonstrated by kicking the ball with the inside of his right foot towards me and I kicked it back.

"Good job, keep this up" he praises me.

We kick the ball to each other a few more times before he tells me how to tackle the ball off him. I manage to get it eventually and he decides that we should do penalties.

Jay stood in goal first as I took shots. I was allowed 5 before we had to switch roles. I had no luck so far until my fifth go when I scored it into the right corner. He dragged his hands down his face as I cheered. We swapped roles and not gonna lie, I was scared. Jay was way stronger than me so his kicks weren't gonna be small.

He took his first shot and I managed to save it. He sighed as I laughed at him and he went back to his post to kick again. I kicked the ball back to him and he walked back a bit before running up to kick the ball. I was too busy laughing to notice this so when the ball came flying towards my face I didn't have time to react.

I felt the impact of the ball hit me dead in the nose and a wave of pain went throughout my entire face. I screamed in pain as Jay runs over.

"Shit Ev you ok?" He asks me.

"No of course I'm not ok" I say as I hold my nose.

"Lemme see your nose" Jay asks me

I remove my hands from my nose and Jays eyes go huge as he curses under his breathe.

"It's bad isn't it" I ask

"No no no, it's it's not bad. I think we should just get it checked out just in case" He reassures me.

He helps me inside the house again and that's when I realize there's blood on my hands from my nose. I sigh in discomfort as Jay retrieves an ice pack for my nose and leads me too the car.

"Jesus Ev I'm sorry I shouldn't have-

"Jay don't worry, it wasn't your fault. I was too busy laughing" I say as I chuckle.

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