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14 year old in this <3

Evelyn's POV
I love summer, always have and always will. It's great to get away from school and leave all my problems behind and just be free. One thing I hate about summer though is that my hay fever gets bad. I've had hay fever all my life and it affects me greatly during hot weather.

I've always had bad hay fever and my brothers were certain I had asthma because of how bad it was. But I just take medication and I'm usually good after that.

Today me, Jay and Will are going on a picnic by the lake. We packed a bunch of food and decided we'd leave all our phones at home as we wanted to spend family time together. We jumped into the car and listened to the radio before reaching our designated spot.

We walked over to the picnic bench facing the lake and set up our stuff before sitting down to talk. I could feel my nose getting tingly but brushed it off.

"So how did you find this school year Ev?" Will asked me as he bit his sandwhich

"Stressful but overall had a great time" I say smiling, remembering all the things that happened in school that year.

I could feel my nose getting stuffy as I sniffle and bite into my food. My eyes start getting puffy and I feel like I can't breathe out of my nose.

"You ok Ev?" Jay asks, concerned

"Just hay fever, I'll be right back" I tell them both as I go back to the truck and grab my medication before taking it and returning back.

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