Seriously Evelyn?

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Evelyn's POV

I don't know when it started. I've always been sad, or at least it feels like I have. Having no mother to look up too or having no friends my age was hard. Add on school and stress and you get me. I don't know when I started feeling sad to be honest. Maybe a year ago? I'm good at hiding it though.

Whenever I cry and someone sees my puffy eyes and asks "what's wrong sweetie?" I just tell them I have really bad hay fever and they never question it. Overtime I just seemed more and more unhappy and it was noticeable in my behavior. I started skipping classes, vaping and doing things I would never do.

One night I was sitting on my toilet sobbing over homework. I had punched my fist into my bathroom wall creating a hole and leaving my knuckles red with blood. I sighed as I went over to the medical cabinet which was in the bathroom and started taking out some band aids when a silver pair of scissors caught my eyes.

I wasn't dumb, I knew what self harm was. I was trying to keep myself out of it but it just got too a point where I couldn't do it anymore. Every time I felt sad, I grabbed the scissors and dragged it across my wrist, hoping that one cut by one it would make me feel better.

Today was a really hot day and I settled on a hoodie and a pair of shorts, I knew I'd get shouted at for the hoodie when I came home but honestly I didn't care. I had a shitty day and needed to be alone. I walk in the front door and I'm greeted with the sight of my two brothers.

"Evelyn, how was your day?" Will asks softly.

"Fine" I tell him as I head upstairs to my room.

I see the pile of washing on my bed and start sorting it out, but then I see my favorite tank top, it was ruined. It was completely shrinked. My blood boiled.

I marched downstairs ready to scream at whoever did this.

"Who shrinked my tank top!?" I say loudly.

The two heads turn towards me. I never shout at my brothers and they never shout at me unless it's serious.

"Evelyn stop with the giving out" Jay warns.

"No! I've had a shitty day and I just want to be alone and I go and find my favorite top completely shrunk!!" I shout as I run upstairs again.

I throw the top on the bed and lock the bathroom door to take my scissors again. I peeled back my sleeve as far so I could see my wrist and began to drag the scissors across whilst hissing. I quickly wipe the blood away with a cloth before I'm called for dinner.

"So Evelyn, me and Jay were in your room today and you left something on your desk" Will starts.

"What?" I ask

"Do you vape Evelyn?" Jay asks.

"It's not-

"Cut the bullshit Evelyn we know we're not stupid" Jay tells me as he raises his voice at me.

I feel myself getting hot with anger as the whole day recaps in my mind.

"Why were you in my room anyways!? You both know you can't just ruin my privacy like that!!! I thought we had a deal that we would never snoop. I mean Jesus Christ why don't you just look in my bathroom at this point!!!" I yell at them.

There's a moment of pure silence before Will speaks up.

"Why would we check your bathroom Ev?"


"You say why don't we just check your bathroom at this point. Why should we?" Jay adds.


"No I didn't- I don't know I-

"Evelyn, show my your arm" Will says in a whisper.


"Show us your goddam arm Evelyn"


I make my opportunity to run but Jay catches me before that and traps me in his arms. I thrash around so he can't grab my wrist but it's too late. He pulls up my sleeve and I stop fighting. They both look in horror as tears build up in my eyes.

"You happy now!? I hope your fucking happy" I tell them as my voice shakes.


"No let me go Jay" I tell him

But he just holds onto me tighter as I sink onto the floor in tears. They finally know. My cries for help have been heard. I think I wanted them to see, this is my way of saying I need help.

Not a word is spoken between the three of us except for the comforting of my brothers as I sob my eyes out on the kitchen floor. I'm comforted before I feel myself being lifted back up to the table. I hide my face in the crook of my elbow, not wanting to be shouted at.

I feel a stinging pain against my hand and I hiss as I look up to see Will with a medical bag, cleaning my arms up. I choke back my sobs of sadness as he plasters the cuts up. I get taken upstairs back to my room and put into bed. My two brothers lay in my bed with me and stay silent until I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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