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Evelyn is 13 in this one shot <3

Lately I've been lacking in schoolwork and I blame that on my eyesight. My eyesight is fine, according to Will, but when I see words on a page they just move and it makes me frustrated. It's also started to affect my speech, mixing up words, not being able to say words fully. It's stupid.

I was doing a presentation today, for English, on climate change. I was so nervous I would mix up my words and make a fool of myself. My teacher called me up and I began my speech. It went smoothly until the word "preservation" came up.

"And that's why we all need to step in, to help with the perseverati- pres- pes- uh" I stare at my flash card blankly. Wanting to die on the spot.

"Do you mean preservation Evelyn?" My teacher asks

"Yea that word....of climate change" I finish my speech.

Some kids start laughing but I don't look up to see who. The bell rings signaling it was time to go home. I packed up quickly and made my way out of school. I spotted Jays car but a voice behind me stopped me.

"Dyslexia dork, can't even say preservation, what are you like 5? Grow up" a kid tells me.

His name is Jason, he's been bullying me all year. Calling me names, showing me around, making fun of me you name it. His dads really rich though so I can't complain to anyone about him.

He shoves me harshly and walks away with his group. I sigh as tears build up in my eyes. I make my way back to the car again and I climb into the front seat. It was Jay.

"Hey kiddo, that kid giving you a rough time?" Jay asks softly.

"Nope, just asking for some homework" I lie.

He drives us home and in forms me that Will was off work today so he would be there when we got home. I nod but don't take much notice.

"You do anything fun in school?" He asks.

"Uh I had to do a persentation for English" I tell him, not realizing I messed up.

"Do you mean presentation?" He asks with a small chuckle.

"That's what I said, persentation?"

"Not quite there yet kid, c'mon you should know this" he tells me as we pull up.

I sigh as I make my way into the house, wanting nothing more then to lay in bed and cry my eyes out. I spot Will on the couch as I walk in.

"Hey Ev, how was school?" He asks me.

I fight back my tears as I hear the door close behind me, letting me know my two brothers were here.

"Ev you ok-

"No I had a horrible day" I sob out and I'm immediately wrapped in a hug.

Jay turns me over to face him and holds me in a hug before guiding me to the couch where I sit in between Jay and Will. My sobs die down after a few minutes and it's time for the questioning to start.

"What's bothering you Ev?" Will asks gently.

I explain how I get bullied in school and how everyone calls me the dyslexic dork and that I can't pronounce words or do schoolwork and Jay and Will share a look.

"You think I'm crazy don't you?" I ask

"No no Ev, we think we know what's happening" Jay reassures me.

"What's happening?"

"Your dyslexic Ev. Nothing big but there's ways you can get help. Speech therapy is a good one, and I'll get you something you can use to stop the words moving on the page" Will tells me.

"Why do I have dyslexia?"

"Well it's like sicknesses, you just get them and no one knows why. We'll book an appointment with someone for you and get you sorted out alright?" Jay tells me as he kisses my head.

"That would be great"

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