Cheated on prom night?

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Evelyn is 16 in this <3

Tonight was a very special night for me. It was prom night and my boyfriend Zach had asked me to be his date. Of course I said yes. Me and Zach have been together for a year and things have been going well, though he's been distant lately.

I scheduled to get my hair done in a hair salon and my nails and toes painted as well. I bought my dress and soon enough the whole thing came together. I was excited to show my brothers, it was my first big event ever.

"You almost ready?" I hear Will shout from downstairs.

"2 minutes!!!" I say as I start finishing up my makeup.

I smile as I feel like a million bucks, I don't even recognize myself. I put on my heels and make my way downstairs.

"Close your eyes"


"Jay do it or I'll punch you"

I hear a chuckle as I make my way to see them both with their eyes closed like idiots. I love them


They open their eyes and look up and down before breaking into huge smiles.

"Ev you look so grown up" Will tells me as tears form in his eyes.

"Hey don't start crying or you'll make me cry!" I warm him as he pulls me in for a hug.

"You look amazing Ev" Jay tells me as I transfer from him to Will.

"Thanks Jay"

Jay drives me to my event as Zach doesn't have a car yet. We park up outside the school and I'm just about to open the door but Jay stops me.

"If any guy comes near you and they act horny, kick him in the crotch" he tells me.

"Sir yes sir" I salute

"Have a great time kid" he tells me as I get out of the car.

I decided I'd walk back after the prom ended, Zach told me he'd walk me home which was nice. I enter the school and into the hall but I don't see Zach anywhere. I decide to text him

Hey babe where are you?

I look up and around the room once more and I swear I feel my heart break. I see Zach, snogging another girl in the far corner. He didn't even answer my texts. My ears ring as tears spring to my eyes and I turn to leave the hall. I son as I make my way home, Jesus I'm gonna have to explain to Will and Jay.

I make my way home and open the door and I'm met with the sight of my two brothers looking at me confusingly.

"Ev what are you doing home so early?" Jay asks me softly.

I break into sobs as I fall to the floor, I'm sure I'm heartbroken. I'm going to die of a broken heart. My two brothers helo me up off the floor and onto the couch, where I cry with my face in my hands for a good few minutes.

"Ev what happened sweetie?" Will asks.

"Zach he um....he cheated on me" I tell them.

They both look furious and sigh before letting me continue.

"I couldn't find him anywhere so I texted him but he left me on delivered. I was really confused so I looked up to find him snogging another girl in the corner of the room. I couldn't take it so I ran home"

"Ev I'm so so sorry this happened"

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch-

"Jay knock it off" Will orders him.

"Sorry" Jay apologizes.

It's silent before Jay speaks up.

"Why don't you go upstairs and get yourself fixed up and let me and Will make you feel better?"

"Jay I just want to sleep"

"I promise you'll like it, fix your makeup and come back down in 5 minutes" he tells me.

I sigh before going upstairs to my room and fixing up my mascara and foundation a bit. 5 minutes later I open my door to walk downstairs but there's a petal in front of my door. I laugh before following it downstairs. The petals end and I look up.

Jay and Will have created a very own at home prom.

"SUPRISE!!!" They both shout.

A huge smile erupts onto my face and I run to hug both of them.

"You guys are the best you know that right?"

"So we've been told" Will responds.

The rest of the night we danced, did karoke and even played board games. Then I got a text

Sorry babe, I'm sick I can't come to the prom x

No worries, just one thing. We're over

What!? Why!?

I saw you cheating on me you dick prick and my brothers know so fuck you and I hope you rot

"Who was that?" Jay asks

"Nobody" I reply with a smile on my face

Contact name changed from: Zack❤️ to Small dick prick

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