Wednesday Addams the Goth Boy

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"Enid, calm down. Maybe those rumors are exaggerated. I'm sure our new neighbor won't be some serial killer," my best friend, Enid, was on the other line panicking over our new neighbor that's coming today. I was currently in the greenhouse tending to my plants.

"But (N/n), what if they're not exaggerated? You know I go through all my gossip channels properly before making assumptions," Enid whined. I lightly rolled my eyes.

"Look, if you're worried, I'll meet you in the Quad later while you give him a tour. If he's really a psychotic serial killer and tries to hurt you, I can snap us out of there easily," I put the watering can down after I tended to my last plant.

"Omg, you're like the bestest friend a wolf girl could ask for! I so owe you! Oh, brb, I think I hear people coming. See you in 10!" Enid abruptly hung up. I shook my head at her antics before taking off my gardening gloves. Hecate, my fluffy black oriental cat, jumped on my shoulders, letting out a pleased meow. I chuckled and gave her little head a scratch before she ran off back to my dorm.

I walked out of the greenhouse and made my way down to the Quad to meet with Enid and our new neighbor. I wonder what this guy would be like. Let's just hope he can handle Enid's energetic and peppy attitude 24/7. Even I need a break occasionally.

"The four main cluiqs here are the Fangs, Furs, Stoners, and Scales. Oh, and we have one witch who is my best friend and roommate," I heard Enid speaking to someone, our new neighbor most likely. I turned the corner to see the backs of Enid and the boy who'd be moving into the dorm next to us.

"Hi," Enid jumped while the boy just looked at me blankly.

He had raven black hair, pale skin, and dark eyes. He didn't hold a trace of emotion in his face, just boredom and disdain. Oh boy, this might make for an interesting year.

"(N/n), don't sneak up on me like that!" Enid whined. I giggled.

"Not my fault you're easy to startle. All I said was 'hi' and you jumped like two feet," I snickered.

"Moving on! (Y/n), this is our new neighbor, Wednesday. Wednesday, this is my bestie and roommate (Y/n)," Enid introduced. I looked Wednesday right in the eye, trying to get a read on him. It felt like he was doing the same to me.

"Pleasure to meet you Wednesday. Welcome to Nevermore," I stuck my hand out for him to shake. He stared at it before accepting the gesture.

"I've never met a witch before. What exactly do you do?" he asked.

"For one, if you mess with me, I will slip a potion into your drink that will turn your hair pink for a month," I told him half jokingly. He quickly removed his hand from mine, obviously not liking the idea of having pink hair for even a second.

"Annnyyyywhooo, back to the topic at hand. Those are the Fangs, AKA Vampires. Some of them have literally be here for decades," Enid explained.

"Next up we have the Furs, AKA werewolves. Like Enid," I continued while motioning to Enid, "Full moons get super loud though due to werewolves wolfing out so I suggest getting some noise-cancelling headphones."

"I'm assuming scales are sirens?"

"Well don't you catch on fast?" I teased. Wednesday just looked at me with an unamused face.

"And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty," Enid explained.

"She rules with an iron fist and is a bitch," I commented.

"Although her crown's been slipping lately. She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe. They broke up at the begining of the semester. Reason, unkown," Enid whispered the last part. Wednesday didn't seem like he cared though.


"I know right? My blog is like the number one source for Nevermore gossip!" Enid explained. It's true though. I'm not one for gossip but I read to be supportive. 

Ajax them seemed to appear from seemingly nowhere.

"Enid, (Y/N)! You're not going to believe the dirt I heard about your new neighbor!" I tried making a 'stop talking' motion to him but he didn't see me.

"He eats human flesh. Totally chowed down on that kid he murdered. You guys better watch your backs," he warned. I facepalmed while Enid moved to the side to show that Wednesday was right there. 

"Quite the contrary. I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets," Wednesday explained.

"Ajax, this is mine and (Y/N)'s new neighbor, Wednesday," Enid introduced.

"Woah. You're in black and white. Like a living Instagram filter."

"Alright Ajax, how about you go wash that foot out of your mouth," I told him, slightly shoving him away.

"Ignore him, Gorgons spend WAY too much time getting stoned. He's cute but clueless," Enid sighed dreamily as Ajax walked away.

"More clueless than cute in my opinion," I snickered. Enid lightly hit me in the arm, making me hold up my hands in surrender.

"Oh, by the way, there wasn't much about you online. You should get Insta, Snapchat, and TikTok," Enid said.

"He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to, especially all three. I'm only on Instagram," I told her.

"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation," Wednesday replied before turning around and walking off.

Enid turned to me with a huge grin which can only mean one thing...

"You totally like him!"

"I do not! I only met him 5 minutes ago! How can I like him?!" I exclaimed as we entered our dorm.

"Trust me! I could feel the tension!" Enid shook me by the shoulders.

"Again, I've known him for 5 minutes!" I held up five fingers for emphasis, "You're only saying that because your matchmaking gene is on high alert."

"Fine, but denile isn't just a river in Egypt," she sing-songed. I threw one of my pillows at her, satisfied with the muffled 'oof' that came from her.

Love and Woe (Male Wednesday Addams x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now