A Trip to Town

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(Y/N) POV:

"Hey Enid, I'm gonna head into town. You wanna come?" I asked her as I grabbed my laptop bag and headphones.

"Nah, I gotta do some homework. Happy writing!" she called. I chuckled at her. Snapping my fingers, I left and reappeared in the town square of Jericho. 

I breathed in the fresh autumn air. I always enjoyed this time of year. The warm colors and the leaves crunching underneath my feet. Not to mention I always enjoy colder weather over warm weather any day. Easier to apply layers then to remove them.

The bell above the cafe door chimed, alerting the people inside to my presence. I approached the counter to great Tyler and give him my order.

"Hello Tyler, how are you today?" I asked.

"Eh, good I guess. Usual Earl Grey tea?" he asked, already putting my order into the register. I nodded.

"Yup! Oh, and a poppyseed muffin," I told him, digging through my bag to get my wallet.

"Anything new at Nevermore?" he asked while putting my money in the register.

"Yeah, Enid and I got a new neighbor. He's a little weird but normal is overrated."

"Fair enough. I'll have your order ready in about 5 minutes," he told me. 

I walked over to one of the booths available and sat with my back to the entry of the cafe. I took my laptop and headphones out. After picking some relaxing writing music, I opened up my writing program and started working.

*With Wednesday*

Wednesday POV:

"Dr. Kinbott's office is on the second floor. Other Nevermore students swear by her," Principal Weems told me as she parked in front of the white building. 

"And you'll be here until I'm done?" I asked her.

"Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate. If I'm not mistaken, (Y/N) should be there around that time. You two have been getting along, haven't you?" she asked, a small gleam in her eyes.

I glared at her. Yes, I may be on friendly terms with (Y/N) by I don't like what Weems is hinting at. I don't have a soft spot for that witch if that's what she thinks.

(A/N: Sure sweetie, whatever helps you sleep at night)

"Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding at bonding is beneath you," I told her while exiting the car, "And chauffeuring your students around is clearly below your paygrade."

"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening," she said with a sickly-sweet smile. 

"I wish you luck."

I slammed the door shut and reluctantly entered the therapist's building. I dump piranhas into a pool full of self-entitled bullies and somehow I'm in the wrong? They started it by messing with my brother, only I get to do that.

*In Dr. Kinbott's office*

"I read the notes from your school counselor," Dr. Kinbott told me as we entered into her office. Well, office to her, torture chamber to me. And not the fun kind.

"Mrs. Bronstein. She had a nervous breakdown after our last session and had to take a 6-month sabbatical," I informed. 

"Have a seat."

Once I situated myself in the white chair, the questions started. The sooner I get out of here, the better.

"How did that make you feel?"

Love and Woe (Male Wednesday Addams x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now