Cellos and Secrets

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3rd person

(Y/N) was writing in her Book of Shadows when she heard cello music. Which weirdly sounded like it was right outside her window. When she finally placed the tune as "Paint it Black", she had a pretty good feeling who it was. Closing her book, (Y/N) walked over to the large spiderweb window and walked out onto the balcony, which just so happened to be connected to Wednesday's room.

(Y/N) leaned against the window and listened to the music. Somehow the intense music made her feel relaxed. She started to lightly sway to the music. Wednesday could see her just out of the corner of his eye, but continued to play.

(A/N: Wednesday unintentionally serenading his future wife istg-)

Once he finished playing, (Y/N) quietly applauded, not taking notice of the disembodied hand on the music sheet stand.

"Didn't know you played the cello. Seems to suit you for some reason though," (Y/N) told him as she walked over to lean on the railing of the balcony.

"Do you play an instrument?" he asked.

"Nah, I'm more of a dancer to music. If possible, I'd do the stereotypical 'dance around a bonfire' to music if the right beat is played," she told him.

Wednesday hummed in slight interest before Thing made his presence known, asking if Wednesday felt any better.

"No, I don't really feel better. There's just something wrong about this place. Not just because it's a school," Wednesday said. (Y/N) just looked at the hand, trying to process everything. How the fu-

"How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?" Enid asked as she also came onto the balcony.

"I had an extra hand," Wednesday responded.

Thing waved to the two girls. 

"Where's the rest of him?" Enid asked.

"It's one of the great Addams family mysteries."

Thing jumped off his perch and made his way back to Wednesday's room. As the three teenagers remained on the balcony, the sound of the werewolves wolfing-out could be heard in the distance. 

"Why aren't you wolfing out?" Wednesday asked, directing his question to Enid.

"I can't," she said, elongating her claws, "that's all I got. My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I've been to the best lycanologists. I had to fly all the way to Milwaukee, would you beleive it? She says there's a chance might never... you know."

(Y/N) gently rubbed her back. 

"What happens then?" Wednesday asked her.

"I become a lone wolf."

"Sounds perfect to me," Wednesday said. (Y/N) shot him a look that said 'Shut up'.

"No it's not! My life would be over! I could be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate!" Enid yelled.

"I'm failing to see the problem," Wednesday said.

"I could die alone!" Enid argued.

"We all die alone Enid," Wednesday explained.

"Okay first, I wouldn't let that happen Enid. And if I end up dying before you, I'll haunt you till you die so you won't be alone. Second, shut up Wednesday," (Y/N) said, switching tones as she talked to the two. Wednesday raised a brow.

"See, this is how you cheer up a person, even if it was weird. Thanks (Y/N)," Enid said, but still started to cry a little bit.

"Why are you crying?" Wednesday asked, not comfortable with the situation.

"Because she's upset, people with emotions tend to do that. I don't suppose you've ever cried," (Y/N) hissed at him while consoling her friend.

Wednesday paused, wondering if he should reveal one of his deep secrets that no-one but his family knew about. He let out a sigh, hoping he wouldn't regret this.

"It was a week after Halloween, I was six years old. I had taken my pet Scorpion, Nero, out for a walk. We were ambushed," he said, already cringing at the memory.

(Y/N) and Enid shared a look before continueing to listen. 

"They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpian as a pet. Two of them held me down and made me watch.... while the other kids ran him over until-" Wednesday paused, the memory flashing in his mind vividly. 

(Y/N) covered her mouth in shock. While scorpians weren't exactly her favorite creature on the earth, it was still an innocent life. It hadn't been hurting anyone and was clearly something beloved to Wednesday. If anyone had done that to Hecate...

"It was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out. But tears don't fix anything, so I vowed not to do it again," he finished.

"You're secret is safe with us. I personally still think you're weird as shit though," Enid said, wincing as her roommate lightly elbowed her in the ribs.

"The feeling is mutual," he replied.

Enid went back into her and (Y/N)'s shared dorm, leaving the two alone. It was silent for a little bit before (Y/N) spoke.

"I'm sorry that had happened to you, it's always hard loosing a pet. Especially in such a horrible and crule way. One thing witches are taught from a young age to respect all life. What those children did was a crime, taking an innocent life," (Y/N) told him.

"Then you clearly know better than most of the world. It can't be helped though. It happened and nothing can be done to fix it," Wednesday said.

"It's alright to grieve Nero, Wednesday. I remember I lost a pet once as a child and occasionaly I still cry about it. The thing is, as much as you deny it, you never really get over it," she told him.

"I'm already seeing a therapist, I don't need another one," he told her.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to overstep bounderies," (Y/N) muttered.

It was silent once again.

"What about you?"

(Y/N) turend her head to him with a raised brow.

"I shared a deep dark secret about me, do you have any?" he asked her.

"Must I?" she asked, not really wanting to talk about some of the things in her life.

"If you really don't wish to, I won't force you," he said.

"If you stick around then maybe one day. For now, I guess you'll just have to keep wondering about what I might be hiding," (Y/N) smirked.

"So I'll forever be in the dark it seems? Very well," he said.

(Y/N) chuckled and started to head back to her room before Wednesday stopped her.

"Would you be willing to show me how to use a computer?" he asked.

"I thought you refused to be a slave to technology?" she smirked.

"Desprite times. Now will you help or not?"

(Y/N) beckoned him inside, deciding to help him out. Wednesday followed her inside. Enid shot them both a confused look but decided not to ask questions.

(A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. College is a bitch sometimes and then I don't have enough motivation or inspo to write. I'm wondering if it was burnout. I might have to take a page out of one of my fellow Wattpad writer's book and go on a writing hiatus once in a while to give myself a break. Hope you enjoy!)

Love and Woe (Male Wednesday Addams x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now