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A/N: I just realized that this is probably going to take a whole lot of work because the episodes are nearly an hour each. I already have some scenes pre-written (at least partially) and there's quite a few chapter tabs in my book. Some might be combined but we'll see. Welp, onto the chapter!

3rd person

Xavier sat in a chair between the two cots that Wednesday and (Y/N) laid on. It didn't take long for Wednesday's eyes to snap open and sit up like he was arising from a coffin.

"Welcome back."

Wednesday turned to see Xavier. For some reason, he wasn't too fond of the artist boy sitting so close to the sleeping witch.

"Just take it easy. The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but you probably have a nasty bump," Xavier explained. Wednesday looked at (Y/N) who still hadn't woken up.

"The last thing I remember was walking outside with (Y/N). I was feeling a mixture of rage, pity, self-disgust, and some sort of warm feeling in my chest that I cannot explain. I've never felt that way before," he recalled.

"Yeah, losing to Bianca will have that effect on people, I think. All except that last part," Xavier said, slightly weirded out by that last thing.

"Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and thought, "At least I'll have an imaginative death." Then you tackled us both out of the way. Why?" Wednesday asked.

"Call it instinct," Xavier said. Wednesday just gave him an unimpressed look.

"So you were guided by latent chivalry, the tool of the patriarchy, to extract either mine or (Y/N)'s undying gratitude?" Wednesday asked. 

"Most people just say thank you."

"I didn't want to be rescued," Wednesday seethed.

"So I should have just rescued (Y/N) and let you get turned into mush?" Xavier asked, tired of the goth boy's attitude.

"I was about to save both of us if you didn't try to attempt giving me a concussion."

Both boys snapped their heads to see (Y/N) slowly sitting up, rubbing her head.

"Well I didn't know that! Excuse me for acting on impulse!" Xavier exclaimed. (Y/N) held up her hand and grimaced at the sudden shout.

"Can you turn your volume down a few notches? My head is killing me," she hissed. Wednesday sat up from his bed and sat next to her. He gently massaged the back of her head.

"Does that feel better?" he asked. (Y/N) just hummed.


"Well doesn't seem you changed. If it makes you feel better, let's just say I returned the favor," Xavier said.

Wednesday and (Y/N) looked at him in question.

"Xavier Thorpe? You probably don't remember me. Last time we met, I was about two feet shorter and 40 pounds heavier," he explained.

"What happened?" Wednesday asked.

"Puberty I guess," Xavier shrugged.

"I think he meant what happened last time you guys met, dumbass," (Y/N) laughed while rolling her eyes. 

"Well you were there (n/n), remember? Anyway, it was my godmother's funeral. Apparently, she and (Y/N)'s grandmother were friends with your grandmother, and all three of them spent their twenties in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious," he explained. (Y/N) had to admit, it did sound like her grandmother.

"I don't know but we were ten and bored so all of us decided to play hide and seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket. I got stuck as it was heading to the crematorium," he finished. Wednesday's eyes widened in realization.

"I heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had cheated death and was trying to claw her way out," Wednesday said. (Y/N) was still trying to place the event. 10 was a foggy age for her.

"Either way, you hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-broiled. So, now we're even," he said. Wednesday turned his attention back to (Y/N) who's cheeks were slightly puffed in thought. The sight made a thought click in his head.


(A/N: I guess this would be more the wake portion of the funeral after everyone had said their goodbyes. I've only had this experience once and the funeral and wake were like a week apart but it's probably different for everyone)

A 10-year-old (Y/N) was currently hiding under a table filled with food and beverages, snickering to herself. The table cloth was long enough to fully conceal her crouched form so she thought it was the perfect place to hide from the Addams boy who was currently the seeker. Unfortunatly, she was getting rather hungry and she just so happened to be directly under a plate of cookies. 

Deciding to chance it, the girl cautiously peeked from under the cloth to see if Wednesday was anywhere nearby. Not seeing the raven haired boy, she sneekily reached her hand up and snatched a cookie and pulled it under with her. Despite the sad atmosphere, the adults chuckled at the little witch.

Unfortunatly, the 10-year-old Addams boy had just returned from the crematorium and saw the motion. He silently creeped over to the refreshment table for further investigation. Wednesday heard the sound of someone munching on a cookie. Without further delay, he flipped part of the cloth up to see the young girl looking like a deer caught in headlights, half eaten cookie in hand.

"How'd you find me? I thought my hiding spot was fool-proof," (Y/N) whined.

"It might have been if you didn't grab that cookie," he replied, holding his hand out to asist her in crawling out from under the table.

"Betrayed by my favorite snack," (Y/N) said. She then shoved the rest of the cookie into her mouth, resulting in her getting chipmunk cheeks. She took Wednesday's hand and crawled out from under the table.

*flashback end*

"After the crematorium incident, I went off to go look for (Y/N). She was hiding under the refreshments table. If I recall correctly, you were quite sore about being found so quickly," he said. (Y/N)'s eyes lite up, also making the conection.

"Oh yeah. Damn, all because I wanted a cookie," she huffed.

"You are food motivated- hey!" Xavier dodged the pillow (Y/N) threw at him. Wednesday rolled his eyes and stood up.

Like when they were kids, Wednesday offered his hand to (Y/N) to help her up. (Y/N) smiled up at him and accepted his hand greatfully. The two walked off to their dorms, leaving a rather confused and concerned Xavier.

A/N: Raise your hand if you'd also sacrifice a game of hide and seek for the prospect of a cookie because I sure as hell wood. Who needs bragging rights when you can have a cookie? I'd say little (Y/N)'s risk was well worth it. Anyway, bye for now dearies!

Love and Woe (Male Wednesday Addams x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now