Chapter 1

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I wake up to the normal amount of chaos happening downstairs. How can it always be so loud? I mean everyone is either on duty or in school today. It's a normal Wednesday, or at least as normal as it can be when you live in tamakoma branch. Jin, my older brother, has been asked to patrol because of the recent neighbor attack outside of the forbidden zone the other day. We have found out thanks to my brother, some traine and his friend what the reasons were and how we will be able to stop it. Today after school Border has asked many different agents to round up and kill the new mechanics thingies that have been behind it.

I put on my uniform and pack my school backpack before I walk down the stairs. I put my backpack by the door for later when I have to walk to school. When I walk into the living room and kitchen I see konami-san chasing karasuma-kun around, probably from making some obvious lie and her falling for it as always. Of course. Jin is eating rice crackers while watching the scene play out and I can see Reiji-kun sitting on the sofa looking at them with an almost disappointed look on his face. Yutaro was yelling at Raijinmaru for something, probably stealing his food. Usami had a plate of breakfast that hasn't been eaten yet, so I guess that it's mine. I walk up to the kitchen counter to find out that it is indeed my breakfast.

"Jin-ni, have border HQ contacted you and asked for my help this afternoon?" I asked, wondering if HQ still hadn't forgiven me. " They have contacted me... just not for help, They want you to come in after school about 3 pm to talk about the neighbor friend that traine had." my brother answered, still paying attention to what now looked more like wrestling. "Heeey? Aren't you guys going to be late for school?" I ask the wrestling idiot and the 'I thought it was a good idea to annoy her cuz why not' idiot. Konami looks at me then at karasuma, the clock, she bolts up the stairs only to later return back down two minutes later with uniform and backpack. "Bye see ya later!" She shouts and slams the door shut.

I eat up my breakfast, take my backpack to leave for another boring day at school.

School was as boring as it could ever be and all I could focus on was why HQ wanted to talk to me. As far as I know I haven't done anything this time that could make them call a meeting. At times like this I hate that my brother won't bother to tell me everything he knows with his side effect. Like tell me what's going to happen so I don't have to stress about some minor thing. The other thing that has been keeping my mind is the exchange student that is sitting behind me. Something is just off about him. Sure I can sense some sort of sorrow hidden deep behind his eyes but there is something else too. It almost feels as if he isn't alive. Just there but not at the same time. He just screams weird. He seems to have inhuman strength and a body of an eleven year old which is strange since we all are fifteen or sixteen in this year.

After school I went straight to border considering that I'm already going to be late as I had a pop quiz last period that I couldn't skip and we left the class at 2:45 pm and by that it is right now 3 pm and I have ten minutes left until I will be able to be there.

As I finally enter border I activate my trigger and I 'rush walk' my way to the higher ups office. I ignore all the stares I get from everyone I pass as I should be used to it by now. I mean what would you expect from someone who only knows what they've been told. Sure the rumors about me not being able to stay in a squad since my first one disbanded. The reason however is not true. I'm not someone who is mean and controlling to the members of the squad. I'm simply just not allowing them to use me to get a higher score as a squad. The rumors haven't really made things easier either as people didn't really want someone with that reputation in their squad. Later when I moved into the Tamakoma branch with my brother it made things even harder as I didn't have any squad to join as there wasn't any. As I couldn't join any from any other branches since that is not allowed I became the first solo agent that doesn't have black trigger.

I'm sorry for the mistakes I might have made. Feel free to point them out if you want to. That way I can fix them.

What do you think of it? I know it's pretty short but do you want me to continue it or how do you feel? (I probably will either way)

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