Chapter 5

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"Jin-ni! Where am I supposed to go?!" I called my brother over the telepathic link we have between each other. I ran into the lab on the way leaving the soldier on the table before continuing to head to the exit.

"I'm heading to the control center right now to help get the situation under control." A while later he started speaking again. "The north-west and west side of border haven't got any agents assigned to them. If the sensors around the border are correct, which it is, there will be a lot of neighbors in the forbidden zone, already heading towards the evacuation groups. Because of the large space I would say that sending people who are stronger, and who we don't want to be seen fighting, there. It would be smart to send Tsukihiko Amo to the west and Himari Jin to the north-west." My brother answered by transferring what he was saying to me at the same time as those at the control center.

As I make it outside I continue north until I'm met with a sea of neighbors everywhere, as far as I can see. While the thought of a good challenge seems exciting I still fear how far they all might have gone towards the city. Creating a blade for each hand I rush forward toward a new challenge as I slice life core after life core of different neighbors. When I'm half way through all of them I stopped feeling like something was going to happen, something weird. Just when I turn around looking behind me where tons of neighbors lie I see something weird about the banter types. Plates from their sides start falling off and a new type I've never seen before comes out of them. If I had to be honest they had some ear looking things on their head that made them look like a rabbit. Just by looking at it you could see the way its equipped armor was thicker and would be hard to cut through. The funny thing was that most of them are white and black but some are in other colors which look pretty. I still wonder if there is a reason behind the different colors

"Reporting. I've found a new kind of neighbor. I'm going into combat with them now, I'm also recording and sending my view of it to you to overlook." I say over the intercom built into the trigger. As I choose who to go to first, and decide to go to the colored ones first since there is probably a reason they are colored, something I probably won't like jumping on me while I fight some other one. Deciding to go for the purple one I run forward before jumping high into the sky as its arms fly up from the ground I just stood on. "That can be troublesome." I mutter as I land safely on the ground and run forward with just a small distance between us. Just as I'm about to slice the life core some weird metal things start coming from everywhere soon surrounding me as I try to figure out where it's coming from. as I look at the other colored ones I see the gray and baby blue one about to shoot a beam at me. "Well I guess that means the flying metal things is from the yellow and gray one." I say to myself as well as the recording that someone hopefully watches.

Okayyyy... time to assess what I'm dealing with. So thirty white and black ones, twenty five each of the other colors. Nice, let'su goooo.

I decide that it's probably easiest if I just go with the flow and take them out in the order they are coming for me. It would be too much of a hassle otherwise. Taking them out was fairly easy when you got the hang of it. I only got one mere scratch from when I first started fighting them. Kind of fun actually. Now I've just got to do the other half and wait for their rabbits to come forward. I'm actually surprised that they listened to me when I said that they looked like rabbits over the intercom before.

"I should probably contact my brother to see if they need any help anywhere else since I'm almost finished" I mumble to myself while I wait for the rabbits to come out, this time there's about an even hundred and fifty rabbits.

"Jin-ni, how's it going for you right now?" I ask while I start running towards the neighbors. "It's going well, it hasn't been that long yet, so the chaos hasn't really hit us yet." He answered. "Why do you need help from your deer brother with those rabbits you're fighting?" He continues with the most teasing voice ever, I can basically hear the smirk over the mind link we have. "No, I'm basically finished, it shouldn't take more than ten minutes until I'm finished. Do you need any help?" I question once again with a bit of irritation lingering in my tone. " You know what? How about you contact Replica, he should know how the others are doing,best possibility would be for you to assist agent foureyes." he states with a much more serious voice. "Sure, is something big happening?" I asked, feeling a bit tense from his mood swings. "Maybe, in the worst case scenario foureyes will die, but anything can change that." I sigh "yeah, if anyone knows about that I would be me." I pause after finishing the last rabbit in sight. "I'm finished. I'll contact Replica to see what's up, I'll talk to you later." I say, before going to hang up. "Yeah, see yah. But hey, don't forget about the deal you have with border. Don't fight outside of border. And don't" "Don't go full out or reveal your secrets, yea, yea, I know. You've told me a million times now" I interrupted him before he goes on to one of his rants about how I must be careful as usual.


Okay... Yuma is right now starting a fight with Jin-ni against the Afrikrator guy who took out Reiji-kun as well as some other guy who he was together with. Osamu and Karasuma-kun is currently evacuating the C-rankers. I would be guessing our attackers are going to reveal their ace in the hole if that is what it takes to get their hand on Chika. Knowing how Afrikrator thinks when attacking they are probably weiwing Chika as one of their new gods by now. That is something I don't think I will ever understand, The process of putting those horns on infants, even though it doesn't do any kind of damage it does hurt a great deal there is a lot of experiments who failed the process because the infant's body rejected them because of the pain, ultimately killing the infant.

As I'm nearing Osamu I can see the attacks more and more clearly. It seems like even more Afrokrator people have joined the fight. Jumping to the last roof I abruptly stop when I see them. The people who live in my nightmares to this day. I just don't get it even though they have gotten older over the past four years there is still no doubt about it. It has to be them, standing in front of Karasuma-kun who seemed to soon bail out. They have the same triggers. The man standing there with blue-gray messy hair welding the black trigger Alektor. His eyes, which are the same color, looks over everything with a calculating glance. As if he could sense me he turns his head looking up meeting my gaze. As if I had turned to ice a stay still without moving a muscle, I but I wouldn't be able to even if I tried, I feel my nerves and anxiety building up inside me and just when I feel like I couldn't take it any more he breaks away before turning to the woman beside him. She who I once considered close to me, someone like an older sister of some sort. Her burgundy hair is a lot shorter since last time I saw her. I guess we swapped roles in that compartment. Her hair went from a waist length to above shoulder length while mine has grown quite a lot since our last meeting. She seemed to not have much emotion in her eyes. Is that really the same person? Is that really Mira standing in that wormhole? It must be. As the guy walks through the wormhole she glances up towards me before disappearing.

"Oh shiii." I stopped myself before finishing. We don't want to be scolded later on, nu-hu. I quickly jumped off the roof going to Yoneya making sure he was alright. "You alright?" I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." I said as I came closer. "Oh? Jin number two! Yeah I'm alright, now that I think about it where have you been? I haven't heard from you at all." He said smiling as if nothing was wrong. I'm not going to lie though it did make me smile as well. "I've been fine, I got to take care of the north-west front so I haven't been slacking off if that's what you're thinking." I answered, giving him a smirk before running towards HQ "Catch you later!"

As I move forward I jump up into the sky to see what is happening up front... and it's Osamu in his human form running towards the entrance and the guy with blue-gray hair running towards him to intercept. Quickly, using grasshopper I shoot myself towards HQ. Just as I'm about to arrive I see Osamu being impaled by Miras trigger. Twisting myself in the air I attack him before he makes it to Osamu and Replica, just in time for Osamu to throw Replica into the ship. I stand up glaring at him. Nothing I've ever thought I would do just an hour ago.

 "Long time no see Hyrein."


Hi!! My fellow two readers!

What are your thoughts? What do you think Himari's seacret is. I think I've left tree diffrent clues yet. One on her side affect and two or three on her little secret. Have you found it?

Anyways I've got some plans for ahead as of right know, I should probaly write the down but instead I'm writing about writing them down. Oh, and before I forget if there is any engines here did you see it?

If you see any grammar or anything that seems wrong please make a comment so that I can fix it and hopefully not make the same mistake again. English isn't my first language so I deffenetly dont know everything. I'm also dyslexic so I do have a little bit of a hard time with it sometimes.

I'm sorry for not updating, there is a lot going on right now. I've been to the hospital and ER, a few times recently and I'm currently down with a cold. (╥﹏╥) I'm still in school and it's started up strong directly after the winter break. I'm hoping to update soon but I'm not going to promise anything, I dont really like braking those. Hehe.

Hope you have a good day/night or good whatever time it is where you are right now. Hope it's going good for you.

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