Chapter 6

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As I meet his eyes I try my hardest to be able to maintain it. It feels like something is crawling up my back, like when your brain is playing tricks on you telling you you have spiders crawling on you and when I say I hate spiders I mean it. I just feel the need to do whatever I need to to get this feeling away, but I can't, I have to try and focus on the objective. Save Chika and Osamu. I need to block out the memories as they fight their way into my brain. I feel panic curse through me as memories flash before my eyes. Those memories I fought to forget and to disappear from my nightmares. Memories of my childhood, before people knew that the neighbors actually existed and that people weren't just going crazy. I remember the look on peoples faces when I showed them paintings of the creatures we today know as neighbors. I wonder how they reacted when they actually saw them at the first large scale invasion. I would've liked to see it, but I couldn't, I was already far away, not even on earth any more. I was four when I was taken away from earth. To the other side, I was petrified, scared for what could happen and if I would be able to make it out alive. Memories of myself in a line with about fifty other kids or so, none that I had seen before, flashed before me. We were being selected to either be implanted with horns and later trained to be mind washed soldiers or be sacrifices of trion to their god. To say I was thankful for not being a sacrifice was an understatement, it meant I still had a chance. A fighting chance to be able to get back home. The implantation itself was horrid and the most excruciating thing I'd ever experienced, now I'm not really sure anymore. If the implantation was excruciating I don't really know what the said 'training' was then. Not only was it the last one standing survives kind of training but the mental hit of having to kill my companions, the other kids that were the only ones from 'my home' that I could remind myself of was something I don't want to remember again.

I quickly tilt my head to the right as a spike comes towards me exactly where my head was half a second ago. "Hyrein we don't have time for this. That stupid trion soldier reprogramed the ship, we need to leave now." I glance at Hyrein making eye contact for less than a second before he fires his trions towards me as a distraction while he makes his way towards the wormhole Mira has opened for him. I quickly activate Viper to send half of the bullets to cancel out his and the other half towards him.

As the dark skies brighten showing the neighbors departure I take in a big breath of air I didn't even know I was missing, their departure doesn't only feel like it will take away a lot of weight of my shoulders but it also feels like a way for me to move on, to put it all behind me and focus on everything that is happening right now instead of what happened all of these years ago.

I look up to see Osamu laying on the ground and Yuma running towards him. After standing up I make my way to him while requesting medical staff to the entrance of HQ. I look through his vitals such as his pulse and what not. "Hey Yuma, he is losing quite some blood, we need to keep the pressure on the bigger, more serious injuries. Can you rip some parts of his uniform to create bandages?" We continue to treat his injuries to the best of our abilities until the ambulance comes to take him to the hospital.

"Hey Himari" "What is it Jin-ni?" I ask back quite confused as to why he is contacting me when everything is already finished." Did you prepare the spare room just as I asked you to do?" " No, I overslept so I told you I would do it when I came home instead, why?" I asked yet again and even more confused than the last time. "Well, it's kind of needed now. Could you make it to Tamakoma and finish it in like an hour?" Sure, I'll make my way there now."


I know it's a bit shorter than usual but I didn't really know how to end it otherwise. Sooo... I'm already starting on the other chapter so it shouldn't take too long to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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