"Respectfully, I'm going to kill you," Aerin muttered under her breath, her glare fixed on the man strolling beside her.
"Woah, woah—relax a little. Live a little," Seungcheol replied, his tone light and teasing as they approached the brightly lit entrance of the fair. Aerin couldn't help but marvel at the shift in his demeanor. Moments ago, he'd been all business, and now he looked like he didn't have a care in the world. The change was so jarring it almost unnerved her.
But not as much as their current situation did. They were attending a public fair, together, with no masks, no hats—just sunglasses. Aerin's pulse quickened at the thought. It didn't take much for someone to recognize them, and if a single photo made its way online, their careers could be on the line. Even if no one recognized them immediately, the standard under-cover-celebrity outfits they wore were enough to raise suspicion. She knew how these things went.
What baffled her more was how calm Seungcheol seemed, as though none of this concerned him. Was this what came with being a senior idol? The casual disregard for the chaos fame could bring?
"Live a little? Live a little!?" she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper as she smacked his back lightly. "Seungcheol, you are insane."
He smirked, clearly unbothered, which only grated on her nerves more. They continued walking until he suddenly stopped and grabbed her arm, pulling her toward a quiet corner around a building. She barely had time to register what was happening before they came to a halt, her expression a mix of confusion and frustration.
"Okay, what now?" she snapped, folding her arms.
"Look," he said, his tone softer this time. "Just act like you belong here. No one will notice. Trust me. I've wanted to go to this fair for years, and I'm not letting the chance slip by."
Aerin rolled her eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Sure, fine. But why do I have to be part of your grand desire? I came here to sort out evidence, not play hooky while we're in the middle of figuring out whatever it is Hyunjae and Jeonghan are up to!"
Seungcheol placed his hands gently on her shoulders, steadying her. The warmth of his touch sent an unexpected shiver down her spine. She blinked, momentarily distracted by the way the neon lights played across his face. His eyes were softer than she'd ever seen them, his expression earnest. It caught her completely off guard.
"Calm down," he murmured. "If you get too wrapped up in this, you'll let it consume you. Trust me, I've been there. You need a break sometimes. Just one night to breathe, to let go for a bit."
The sincerity in his voice was disarming. Aerin opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out. Why is he making sense? And worse, why did she feel like he was right?
"Please," he added, his voice barely above a whisper.
Aerin's resolve wavered, and before she could fully think it through, her hand was in his, pulling him toward the fair. She didn't even notice she'd done it until the cool night air hit her face, jolting her back to reality.
The venue was alive with color and sound, neon lights illuminating the dark sky. She glanced down, suddenly hyperaware of the fact that her hand was still in his. Heat crept up her cheeks, and she quickly pulled away, turning toward a vendor's stand to cover her embarrassment.
But then she felt it—his hand sliding into hers again, this time tucking both of their hands securely into the pocket of his jacket. Her breath hitched as she looked up at him, her wide-eyed expression met with his calm, knowing smile.
"Just go with the flow," he said, his voice low, almost playful, as he leaned down toward her ear.
She wanted to punch him. Really, really wanted to punch him. But instead, she settled for a sharp glare and kept walking. Fingers intertwined, his hand steady around hers, she forced herself to act unfazed even as her thoughts spun in chaos.
On the outside, she looked composed, but inside, she was crumbling. She couldn't figure him out. Was Seungcheol like this with everyone? Was his effortless charm intentional, or was he just naturally disarming? Either way, it was dangerous.
He needed to be stopped. Or locked up. Or both.