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"can you make this quick? The girls are waiting at the hotel and i have to get shit sorted

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"can you make this quick? The girls are waiting at the hotel and i have to get shit sorted." 20 minutes later Aerin had found herself seated across from Jeonghan, both sipping coffees they knew would be downed the next second. Come to think of it, so many things had happened in this café; Aerin got her first frame of evidence about Hyunjae, a staff's misconception led to one of the most fun days of her life and now, she was about to hear why the person across from her decided to help Hyunjae ruin her life which she would surely relay to Seungcheol- right this was also the place she realized she liked him.

"I thought you said you had time?" Jeonghan's sly smirk made Aerin scowl yet she simply rolled her eyes. "quit is sunbae, just get to the point." The smirk failed to leave his face.

"First of all, it's just Jeonghan since you and Cheol are practically dating so you might as well be apart of the family now. And secondly, i'm getting to it." Before Aerin had the chance to retort the man's claim, he had already loudly slurped his drink to interrupt her.

"You want it quick? Well Hyunjae has known me since we were 9 and one of the only reason I have as many connections as I do is because she practically fed them to me so basically, i owed her or else she threatened to out me." As surprising as the information was, Aerin tried keeping her cool as Jeonghan talked but the longer of a pause he took to sip his drink the more the girl wanted to yell at him to continue.

Jeonghan sighed. "she asked me to help her with the articles years ago, around the tine of your-"-group press conference" The man was slightly surprised at the fact Aerin finished his sentence but nonetheless shook it off and went on.

"Yoon Dohan is my cousin, he's a pretty big article writer and since he only got there because of me, it was no problem for him to write the stupid article. But to defend myself, he and Hyunjae were the ones in contact so i had no idea the fake article was about that. Anyways! i guess Hyunjae thought it was a dumb idea so my assumption is she wanted to try different things to get you out without having to release it but since none of that worked, this was her last resort." Once he finished his explanation, countless doors of questions were opened for Aerin. She wanted to just blurt them out, but the casual-looking Jeonghan in front of her made her want to keep her calmness as much as possible.

"I know you have questions." Aerin rolled her eyes at his remark but still, he was right. "Why did you switch up though Jeonghan?" He seemed puzzled at her question seeing as he took a pause before answering. 

"Well. . .i dunno no one deserves something like that to happen to them. Plus, i randomly asked my cousin for progress on the articles a few hours ago out of curiosity and once i saw them i asked him to delete all of the files of not only the article about you, but the once she had asked him to write about me incase i quote on quote betrayed her--which i did. What Hyunjae showed you was really a picture, she couldn't have published the article if she wanted to." His answer confused Aerin. He had feelings huh? Some part of her was suddenly more thankful than she was before. 

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