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Aerin looked almost petrified as Seungcheol spoke her name and it took her a moment before she hurriedly grabbed her canvas bag in an attempt to leave the room along with the awkward tension

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Aerin looked almost petrified as Seungcheol spoke her name and it took her a moment before she hurriedly grabbed her canvas bag in an attempt to leave the room along with the awkward tension.

"wait!" The girl didn't want to stop in her tracks, she didn't want to hear what he had to say, and she didn't even want to see him in the first place, yet here she was paused in the doorway of the studio awaiting the male idol's words.

Seungcheol knew it was now or never. He knew damn well Aerin would continue to avoid him and if he failed to deliver exactly what he wanted to, the boy feared this tension between them would continue forever and that was unacceptable; unacceptable because it scared him.

He took a deep breath in due to the adrenaline in his body and turned to face the girl who's back was turned towards him, not one sense of understanding in her body language. "Aerin please. Please stop ignoring me. Did i do something wrong? Just tell me please this is driving me crazy!" No he wasn't planning to admit his genuine care for Aerin but that's just how it turned out. His notorious word vomit was most definitely not helping his case this time around.

With a quick turn of her body, Aerin was now facing the frantic boy as she let out a scoff at his pathetic beg "SEUNGCHEOL." He was silenced.

"We're fucking idols. IDOLS. You know what? This is stupid. Our shitty investigation is stupid. This industry is stupid. And it was stupid of me to think we could ever be anything more than friends. Not that we were even friends in the first place. Only reason you ever even talked to me was because of your own problems with Jeonghan." Despite muttering the last few sentences as she rapidly packed up all of her equipment from the studio, Seungcheol caught every word.

"Rin! You wanna fucking know something? That Jeonghan shit is fake." Aerin paused in her tracks, raising her head slowly to meet the eyes of seungcheol, confusion evident on her face.

"i'm sorry what?" 

"I-. . .ugh you frustrate me Aerin." He ran his hands through his hair as he struggled the find the words to say.

"Me? I frustrate you? That's a good one." Aerin chuckled as she continued her task, clearly offended. If anything Seungcheol was starting to frustrate her more than she ever did him. He literally lies to her and has her go on little fucking missions running around in search for fake news and he calls her frustrating? 

"Aerin you fucking frustrate me because you're so goddamn blind!" His volume rose and along with that rose the engagement of Aerin who once again stopped herself and stood a measly 2 feet away from him. She looked offended by the look of her scowl paired along with those infamous eyebrows of confusion.

Seungcheol didn't want to do this oh no he didn't. He was ruining his pride, his reputation, and possibly his career because of just one feeling but no, he had to. Sure it might have been the urgency of the situation that was fueling the chaos in his mind, but he wasn't even rational enough to think about that clearly either.

"I brought in Jeonghan because i wanted to talk to you more! I wanted to fucking get to know you! I helped you and I did this all because i liked you Aerin and now you're blowing me off what else do you want me to act like!?" It took an entire 20 seconds for the content of Seungcheol's spewed words to process and the moment they did she took a step backwards. 

She wanted this but at what cost? Aerin had her thoughts of her and Seungcheol but this. . .was not how it was supposed to go. Not to mention the fact she was still conflicted with herself. This wasn't helping.

"You. . .like me-" Seungcheol groaned in frustration.

"Yes! yes i fucking like you Rin. I-. . ." His voice trailed off at the end as it was just hitting him what exactly he had done. He had reached a point of no return and as much as Seungcheol had hoped to spend more time with the girl before saying anything, it was a done deal now.

"Shit. . .well i didn't know i would say it like this." He grinned at his own stupidity as he played with his shoelaces, unable to meet the face of Aerin who seemed deep in thought. Little did he know that she was possibly conjuring up and contemplating one of the hardest decisions of her life. Before today Seungcheol was simply just attractive and alluring to Aerin, but seeing him in this way and hearing his sincere words caused a revelation, and the girl was ready to risk it all.

Silence lasted for another 10 seconds before Seungcheol's face was abruptly pulled down and Aerin's lips smashed into his. It was shocking at first, but he almost immediately responded, deepening the kiss with each second. This was like nothing either of the two had felt before and the rush of adrenaline only added fuel to the fire.

It was so spontaneous and yet it felt so right. Seungcheol's hands made their way around Aerin's waist, gripping her sides securely as he continued the deep kiss. In a way, it was almost like the two idols were unaware just how much they desired each other until they both gave in that there was such a sense of longing and desperation that it made everything feel so much more intimate.

Slowly the two maneuvered their way to the l-shaped couch placed in the corner of the small studio and large smiles grew across their faces as they pulled apart, catching their breaths. "Well I'm guessing that means you feel the same?" The sounds of their soft chuckles filled the room and Aerin sighed before turning her attention back to the man in front of her.

"Never though I would be admitting this but yeah, I guess I do.

𝘈 / 𝘕 !

For anyone confused on some of the plot points/holes, this is most definitely not the last chapter and there will be a decent amount more to come so please don't misunderstand.

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