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Life Aboard

4.2k words

Warnings: cursing.


"Any takers?" Pops asks from his big ass seat.

All the division commanders are sitting in their respective spots looking around at each other, silently questioning who was going to be the taker.

Despite the ear ringing silence in the room, my hand shoots up from where I sat in my chair. It didn't really surprise anyone that I would be up for this, it makes the most logical sense for it to be me.

And they probably knew I would attempt to stab them if they got in my way.

Pops smirks with a certain gleam in his eyes while looking at me. I guess he knew I would do this too. "I guess it's settled." He stands from his seat and moves to leave. "Meeting adjourned."

Like always, we stand from our seats and bow to the large man as he leaves, the click of the door closing behind him and letting us know we could stand straight.

"To be perfectly honest, if y/n wasn't so hellbent on getting that I would've offered." Jozu admits.

I scoff at him despite the smugness I felt. "I would've loved the challenge."

"Yeah we can tell from that look in your eyes." Rakuyo states with a small grunt.

Look in my eyes? I did not have a look in my eyes—he's talking nonsense. And even if I did it would be because Ace is my friend and I would love working with his reckless ass. It would bring us closer together.

Fossa whistles bringing all attention to him. "You're one scary lady sis."

I was going to bite back but someone beat me to it with a remark of his own.

"Lady? Y/n's never acted like a lady a day in her life." Namur claims.

Slowly, my head turns to the Fishman with a small smile on my face. I watch my brothers shiver as they've stated more then once that when I started smiling when I'm angry, it means all hells about to break loose. A smiling angry y/n was a whole lot more terrifying then a frowning angry y/n.

"Then what do you call what I'm wearing right now," I calmly say gesturing to my outfit with my hands. An off white dress and pure white corset.

Namur let's his eyes racking my body with a deadpan expression. "Pirate clothes."

My eyes narrow at him and I cross my arms over my chest. "Bitch. I'm totally ladylike balls for brains."

"You just called me a bitch and balls for brains in the same sentence."

"Learn better grammar, that was two sentences." I lean against the chair. "Also anything I do is ladylike because I am a lady." I punctuate.

"No, the nurses are ladies." He clarifies and points a blue finger at me. "You are a man in a woman's body."

Feeling heated, I push off the chair and start running at him. "Dickwad!"

Marco quickly scoops me up in his arms and I struggle against him. "Okay you may want to stop before she claws your eyes out."

"Y/n can't do that," Namur scoffs.

Through all the thrashing, I can see Izou put a hand on his shoulder and pat. "She did it when she was fourteen to some asshole pirate who tried to mess with her. Trust me when we say she can."

Namur backs away to the door. "Then I'm going to leave and hide for my personal safety." He starts running as I finally get out of Marco's arms.

This time it was Izou who stopped me from mauling the man by wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me back. "Don't think I'm letting you get away with this! There will be consequences to pay you hear me! Consequences!" I scream so Namur can hear me.

The Emperors Daughter [Portgas D. Ace x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now