Captain America (How you Met)

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You are working in a restaurant, just across the bay from New York City, as you are about to lock up a stranger walks in. Big, tall, and muscular. Immediately you know exactly who it is just by his face. It would be impossible for you to not know. He was always on the news, even months after they found him. Captain America, he looked better without his suit, more human. Walking in to your work, and sitting at one of your tables.

"Wow" you whisper as you go in to get a closer look, and to take his order, of course. "What can I get for you Mr. America?" You swirl the words on your tongue, just like a nice cup of coffee.

"Um...I think I would like the-" a scream from across the room cut him off, as your best friend runs towards you.

"You' are...CAPTAIN AMERICA!" (y/bff/n) screeches as she leans on you for support as she catches her breath.

"Sorry, this is my best friend (y/bff/n), she was just going to sit at another table and not bother you anymore." You say pushing her into a booth beside you.

Captain America chuckled and began again, "I would like todays special, please."

"Coming right up." You smile and leave. In the kitchen you allow yourself to have a mini heart attack. Walking back out with a water and a Dr. Pepper for your friend, you inhale deeply. "Sorry again about my friend, she can be a little crazy sometimes."

"Not crazy," (y/bff/n) said, "I would call it passion. I am a very passionate person." She said with a wink.

"Anyway, because of her, your dinner will be on the house. It is our policy that if there has been a serious disruption in our humble establishment, your food is paid for." By whomsoever is serving you, you add in your thoughts, but you don't dare say it out loud.

"Oh no, that will not be necessary, (y/n)," He smiles reading your name tag, "How about instead you and your friend sit with me, so that I will not be spending another meal alone?" His face grows serious.

What do you say? You can't just leave him when he looks so sad, and you can't let him eat with just your crazy bestie. "Um...I am supposed to be closing up, but since there is no one else around, why not?" You look at your best friend who is already pushing into the seat right next to Cap. "I will just go grab your food, then I will be right back."

Once you are back with his food and a bottle of old fashioned root beer for yourself, you sit across from someone who you had thought too attractive to even look at you. About ten minutes later, your best friend leaves for home. You look around the restaurant, just you and Cap. "Well," You yawn, stretching and shrugging. "I should probably clean up and get this place locked up. Goodnight Mr. America."

"Call me Steve," He says as he places the money for his dinner on the table. "and (y/n), how about if I pick you up after work tomorrow, and we go and do this again. This, but without (y/bff/n). Just the two of us. I mean if you wouldn't want to, I am okay with that too. I am sorry, it has been a while since I got up the courage to ask someone to, well, go out with me."

You chuckle and blush, "Sure, sounds good. I get off at six tomorrow. See you then?"

"See you then." Steve takes one more look at you before walking out.

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