Tony Stark ("I Love You")

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The two of you sat in silence as you watched the movie. Tony picked at a piece of pizza, and you ended up eating all the Red Vines. It was nearing midnight, but neither of you cared. Tomorrow was a Saturday, which meant that you wouldn't be needed at the newspaper, and Tony had cleared his schedule. Tony was laying on his back, while you laid on top of him, your hand lightly tracing the scar on his chest around the reactor. You could feel yourself falling asleep, and soon enough you drifted off.

When you woke up, you heard the tell tale sounds of morning. The birds were chirping, and your neighbors were singing and playing piano. Turning over you realized that you were laying in bed, now in your pajamas. You didn't remember coming up here last night. Heck, you didn't remember even finishing the movie.

A soft pattering of footsteps ascended the staircase, and soon you were met with the sight of Tony. In his arms he held a tray of food, and two coffee cups filled to the brim. Your eyes went wide at the sight, and as if on que, your stomach began to grumble.

"Good morning, beautiful." Tony smiled, walking over, and placing the tray on your lap. "Care for some breakfast?"

You nodded softly, and gestured for him to lay next to you, "You didn't have to do all this."

A smile crept onto his lips, "I think that the woman I love deserves to be treated like a queen, every now and then."

As he spoke, you took a large bite of pancake. When your brain finally caught up to his words, you began to choke, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

Tony laughed, holding up a glass of orange juice for you to drink, "I said that the woman I love deserves to be treated like a queen. In other words, I. Love. You."

You smiled like a mad man, tears welling up in your eyes and not just from choking on your pancake, "Thank you." You said softly.

Tony tried to hide the disappointment on his face, but he wasn't doing a very good job. You noticed it almost immediately. A pang of guilt ran through your chest as you watched his face drop. Quickly, Tony began busying himself with the food in front of him. He inhaled the food, and you began to fear that he was going to be the one choking.

"Tony, you need to slow down. I don't know the Heimlich if you start to choke." You laughed, placing a hand on his arm, but he flinched away. You knew why. It's not like you could deny it. He was mad that you didn't tell him that you loved him back, and in all honesty, you weren't sure you were even ready to say it.

You never told him how your last relationship ended, but it wasn't good. Your ex had asked you to marry him, and you declined, you were too concerned about your career. Heck, you were in college, you didn't even know what you wanted out of life. So, rather than waiting around for you to figure stuff out, he gave you an ultimatum. Him or your career, and of course, you chose your career. The two of you were so close, you had been together for years, and yet, you couldn't bring yourself to marry the man. Blame it on daddy issues, or and unstable family. Whatever it was, had you constantly pushing your relationships to the side.

Hearing Tony say those three little words, you felt your brain go into overdrive. You started to panic about what happens next. The only man you had ever loved, had made you choose between two things that you couldn't fathom picking from. What if Tony did the same thing?

The real question, though, lingered in the back of your mind. Did you love Tony? Sure, you would do anything for the man. You would go out of your way just to make sure he was happy. Hell, you put up with his crazy, death wish antics, but could you honestly say that you loved him? You weren't sure.

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