Chapter 1 - Robbin Banks

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Bad spelling
Bad Grammer

"When the dragon and unicorn rings were made the spirits choose their first holder the dragon holder become the first supervillain named Drag, and The unicorn holder became the first superhero Unic, Unic, and Drag would fight each other until they retired then they pass the rings to their children and the children would fight each other when the ring holder either died or retire the rings would go to the next of kin, It is foretold that one day down the long line when the yin and yang lose balance the spirits will choose a holder to become the new rulers of their respective kingdoms above the clouds and the kingdom below the land, in the year 2000 scientist found out how the rings were made they couldn't connect the animal rings to other rings like the unicorn or dragon rings so the animal's rings give the holders suits and powers, so now many rings are everywhere there are dozens of superheroes and supervillains, ABAHTAT ARE YOU LISTENING." The teacher yelled as a red-haired pale girl sat at a desk and had her head on her arms she shot up when the teacher yelled her name

"Sorry Mr.Bladow I haven't been sleeping well," Abahtat says as she opens her hazel eyes and sits up straight to where you can see her raspberry glaze jacket and her jeans. "Just be glad your parents are rich and are famous actors Mrs.Drago." Mr.Bladow says as he goes to the board "Now go to page 141 in the workbook." Mr.Bladow says as he opens the book. Abahtat then holds her middle figure where a fox ring sits.

At lunch, Abahtat leaves the class and goes and sits with her friends. A tan boy with blonde hair with some rings on his necklace and a white shirt and blue pants sits down next to Abahtat with some nachos "Oh hey Aj how has your day been." Abahtat says looking over at the boy who just sat down "It's great." Aj says as he fakes a smile. Abahtat manages to steal some of Aj's nachos and eats them as someone else walks over "Oh hi Mark" the black hair pale boi with a red jacket and gray pants looks at Abahtat and then sits down.

"Ok, do you get the plan now" This was after school a red-haired woman who is wearing a kitsune mask with a colored fox ring on her middle figure and a dress with nine cuts all along the bottom of the long dress with leggings on sits in a high tech car with a black haired guy sits in the passenger seat with the dragon rings on?" Of course I do Aba- I mean Xfo I mean I am the leader after all you just sit there and look pretty" The guy said as he pressed the red ring and got a demon mask and a red jumpsuit. "Now let's get this party started," the guy says as he leaves for the bank."Mark you idiot." Ofx says as she pulls next to the bank doors as soon as Mark gets inside the bank.

"Hello sir how can I help you." The bank teller asks as she doesn't look up assuming it's a superhero "I would like to open an account" Pin says in his demon outfit "Name?" The bank teller says. "Robbin Banks." The bank teller looks up only to be met with a loud bang coming from the vault.

"Hey ofx I got every single last thing from the vault," Mark says as he enters the car after putting the loot in the trunk. "Yes, pim you did with the help of my sleeping gas now let's go" They both sped off to the villain city under Futytreb. The underground city called Hev has its nighttime and daytime and the cities are filled with villains. The two get to a wealthy-looking hideout as they go into the garage Ofx gets out "Lilith pick the car and unload it" Ofx says as she goes to get some coffee while autopilot takes the car over and parks it. "Hey Lilith did you find out how to bypass the whole 'blood-related problem' to the dragon ring," Mark says as he leaves the car and tries to activate the dragon but fails. "You stole that off of the world's greatest villain son after his last battle and you think you deserve the ring," Ofx says as she sips her coffee. "Yes, I do it was in his will after all" Mark says as he slaps the coffee out of her hands." besides I am the magician here you are just the apprentice," Mark says as he makes his coffee. "Whatever I have to go home Lilith engage the autopilot and also pim stop saying your name is Robbin Banks it's not funny," Ofx says as she leaves the garage.

(This took 859 words this is probably the longest chapter that I ever had made. And this is the first time using Grammer for this might only use it for Wattpad tbh)

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