Chapter 5 - TOKYO DRIFT

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Car chase
Crazy stunts (don't do at home)


(normal) Abahtat walks outside of her school after the last class holding a sinsatea cup she made out of clay. A high-tech that's red and looks like a Mustang car goes into the car loop and Abahtat gets in the back seat she puts her backpack in the seat next to her seat. The car started up and left "Lilith go to 5th Avenue and get into the ally next to the Mall and the gas station." Abahtat says as she stares out the window "Of course Miss. Drago would you like to listen to your songs ." the robotic voice speaks out of the radio as all Abahtat does is nod to the beat in her headphones.

(superpower) Ofx is in the backseat while the car goes past the speed limit as Pim sits in the front of a high-tech car that is black with lots of boasters with blue and red flames on it and looks like a Japanese car. Ofx has a lot of jewels in bags she looks behind and sees three superheroes one flying in the air and one on a high-tech white motorcycle and the last one running along the motorcycle. "I will take care of this," Ofx says as she opens the sunroof and leaves it on the roof she takes out her fans with long ribbons on the end she whips one of the fan ribbons to the bumper and she tried the fan to her hip then she jumps off the roof and hits her feet together and her shoes become roller blades and she falls on the road and the other fan become a crossbow.

(superhero pov)
"Alright, Tac your intern was correct we found them the two villains messing with the banks," Ali says as his cloud wings flip up and down. tac looks at the car in front of her "What the hell is that." As Tac says as a light arrow speeds past Tac missing her but hitting the road. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, FOX RINGS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT KIND OF FUCKING POWER," Tac yells as she had to swerve to miss the arrow. "I don't know chee you pay attention to Pim, I and Tac can get the fox," Ali says as Chee nods. A couple of arrows fly at the superheroes as the heroes catch up to them

(villain pov)
Ofx keeps shooting arrows she looks behind her and sees the six-foot-twisting man-made mountain named Puny. Ofx reaches for the radio in her ear " Hey Pim do you want to Tokyo drift up a mountain?"Ofx says as she shoots more arrows. "Lilith let me take the wheel," Pim says as he moves to the driver's seat. The car goes faster and at the turn to Puny the car drifts and goes up the mountain. Ofx turns the crossbow back into a fan and uses the ribbon to wrap around Tac's arm and Ofx unwraps the other fan from her hip and holds it then at the nearest railing off jumps at a point to fall off the cliff. Ofx unwraps the ribbon holding the bumper and uses little strength to pull Tac off the motorcycle and making Tac fall off of the cliff as the motorcycle crashes into the barriers Ofx uses the free fan to cling to a tree branch and spins around the tree branch and throws Tac onto Ali who was driving down the cliff Ofx then unwraps the ribbon from Tac and both Tac and Ali fall onto the ground with a puff of smoke. Ofx looks up at the top and sees the car run into Chee causing him to fall down the mountain as well with a puff of smoke then the car parks next to where the tree branch that Ofx is on and Ofx gets inside the car and they both drive away.

(hero pov)
"ow, my back Tac get off of me and lose some pounds." Ali says as he easily picks up Tac and throws her off him."Hey, I have you know I am 130 pounds." Tac says annoyed then her Chee falls on her."ow we can't let Tilly know about this." Ali says as he looks at the both of them and they all nod.

(this 754 took words I am tried and character designs will be released on my character book soon)

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