Chapter 3 - Plan Making

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(Normal) Abahtat unlocks the door to a huge mansion on a hill with cherry blossom trees. The mansion is made out of bricks and two big stone doors. Abahtat enters the house where a butler stands there at the ready. "Miss Drago your parents aren't going to be here for the rest of the month to follow the rules usually I will only be here for the days and never the nights." the butler then leaves for the car to the grocery store. Abahtat after closing the door and locking it she then goes to a big hallway and goes to the door on the left.

Abahtat sits on a seat wearing a workout outfit with a beat-up punching bag. Abahtat then goes to the closet and gets a new punching bag and puts it up then continues practicing she does a roundhouse kick and the punching bag lunch to a nearby wall. Abahtat sighs and goes to clean up the punching bag and put it back in its place and she practices punching almost breaking it.

(super-powered) "so Pim what is the plan today it better be good," Ofx says as she sips her coffee in the planning room Pim clips some more pictures onto the clipboard "Ofx I have a great idea." pim says as he shot up and turns over to her "we are going to rob drum roll, please Lilith," Pim says as Lilith drops down from the ceiling an ai with a robot face. Lilith's face turns into some drums and a drum roll plays then the ta-da plays "We are going to rob THE DRAGOS!" Pim says as Ofx spits her tea out "OH MY GOD YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT, YOU, STUPID MOTHER-!" Off yells as she walks towards him then stops "Why the hell am I an idiot." Pim says as he did back up with Ofx walking towards him "Pim the Dragos are the actual holders of the dragon rings and are also funding everything we have."Ofx says as a lightbulb light finally goes off in his head. "oh yeah hmmm ok I got Ribd still owns us for the mind control disc he uses right." Pim says as he backs away a little in case Ofx beats him up. "yeah, he does" Ofx says as she also backs away. "so let's turn in the coupon for that help." Pim says as he starts getting rid of stuff in the clipboard and replacing them with a new probably more evil plan. "alright just get the plan done before my date." Ofx says as she walks away.

(this took 525 words so I decided to make it easier for everyone so before a paragraph it will say either normal or superpower or super normal) Normal is when the characters are in their normal outfit and normal names. Superpower means they are in their super outfits and names. Supernormal is a mix and if character A has their normal name then they are in their normal outfit and if character b is using their superhero/villain they are their super forms.)

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