Background and talk with the author

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 Hey, author here. Sorry to anyone who is reading this due to my other Hawks Deku story, "Birds of a Feather" I promise I am still working on that story I just needed a small break from it because, while I may have a general idea for the story, its not that much. In the mean time I will be posting some other stuff. Now, on to the story base. 

Izuku has a tech based quirk, something previously thought of as impossible and all around unheard of. Izuku's eyes are a cloudy green, evidence of his physical blindness. Yes, physical blindness, you see Izuku can see. He can see tech, weather it is lines of code, the physical aspects of the tech or the feed from tech, he can see it. And in a world that has never had more tech, Izuku is set to become very powerful, very quickly. Inko keeps her "weak" and "useless" son at home after he was declared quirkless. 

The reason Izuku is declared quirkless is because his quirk couldn't be seen by testing and he has the extra toe joint. I suppose Izuku's father is to blame for this. Hisashi Midoriya, also known as AFO, also has this extra toe joint. In actuality it wasn't until a few generations of quirk users that the toe joint disappears. So while Inko is a multigeneration quirk barer, Hisashi was the first in his family to have a quirk. When the villain heard that his son was blind, he left. He didn't hate his kid, but... he didn't really care about him or his mother either. Inko taking his quirkless diagnoses as the final straw, starts to abuse her young son. 

Of course, Izuku knows that he has a quirk. Its not normal for a "blind" person to "see" things after all.  But, the young boy keeps his mouth shut. With a quirk that versatile, new, and powerful he could be targeted. So, Izuku bares the torment and works on making his own tech. Thanks in part to his tech quirk, which he self names it as "Input", he makes his own computer for coding. (Of course, his mother won't let him use the family computer, he is blind after all.) Once he has his computer made, mostly from scrap metal and other bits and bobs that he found around the house, he starts working on a pair of glasses. Not just any glasses mind you, but glasses with cameras attached. With these advanced camera glasses he can "see" the world around him. Heat sensing, sound waves, chemical composition and tracing, body vitals, and night cameras, give Izuku better vision of the world he lives in and his surroundings than the average seeing person. 

By the time Izuku is 6 he has a fairly wide span of influence in the form of a blog he starts writing under the name, 'Black Bunny'. He talks about the struggles of being an abused, 'quirkless', tech genius. Of course on the blog he doesn't talk about being blind, his age, or his quirk at all. By 11 he has started making tech and selling it, typically he sends out a robot to bring the tech to the buyer and gather his supplies and money while his Mother is out at work. By 12 Izuku has made a Robot that can pass as a human and a fake identity for him. Akito Yoichen,  mechanic and IT consultant. A special thing about Akito is that, he has his own mind and personality. (Think of Vision from MCU) So, with money, a new 'guardian', and a job, he has Akito buy a house in Mufutafu. After that he takes his stuff and leaves abusive Inko behind. Having all the time in the world, he spends almost all of it on his blog, making tech, and video games. Izuku quickly makes a name or himself, being on many video game leader boards, still under the 'Black_Bunny' name and on the black market he creates a new persona, 'Tech_Bat'. Not only does he sell tech under the name 'Tech_Bat', but info and plans as well as his abilities as a hacker. 

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