Meeting... Again?

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The next day in class 1-A for parent-teacher conferences

Nedzu, Aizawa, and Mic are all sitting at a table waiting for the mysterious Akito and his unkown of 4th child. Due to the complexities of the situation Nedzu had decided to see what was going on too. And to pique Nedzu's curiosity is a difficult thing to do. And to be honest, Akito and Izuku were not what any of them were expecting. Akito gently leads Izuku in to the class room. Izuku with his tech glasses, which look just like any other pair of sun glasses and his cane is obviously blind. And Akito's plain and nonthreatening or powerful appearance throughs Mic and Aizawa through a loop. Such a normal person raising three soon to be pro heroes? Completely unheard of. Akito pulls out a chair and helps Izu sit. To be honest, Mic and Aizawa who are typically the type to find pity condescending can't help but pity this boy. Leaving Nedzu to start the meeting. "Mr. Akito Yoichen I presume." Akito nods and gives a slight smile, "Indeed that is me, you must be Nedzu." Mic gives a soft smile to Izuku regardless that he can't see it, "AND WHAT IS YOUR NAME LITTLE LISTENER?" Mic asks. Izuku smiles, "I go by Izuku Yoichen. How are you Presentation Micheal?" The greenette asks politely. No one questions how the boy knew that it was Mic, most people could recognize his signature voice and particular volume of his quirk. "IM PRETTY GOOD!" Mic answers with an even bigger smile. Just then Aizawa's phone goes off, an unusual thing considering that he doesn't have many people who try to call him. He quickly stops the phone when he sees that it is Midnight. Before the raven haired hero can apologize Izuku speaks up as his head swivels towards Aizawa. "It is considered polite, Earaserhead, to silence phones before meeting." all of this is said with a slight grin but Aizawa can't help but feel a slight chill, while Mic is startled, and Nedzu smiles his evil grin. How did this child who is blind know one; whos phone went off, and two; who Eraserhead even is. As an underground hero, know one really knows who he is. Even police that he often work with have to be reminded that he is a hero or suspiciously double and triple check his hero ID. And for some reason his attitude is strikingly familiar, though neither of the heroes can place where from.

Akito with out even turning to look at his 'son' chides him, "Izuku. Behave." Izu leans back with a softer, less mischievous smile, "Sure thing Dad." not even a hint of repentance in his answer. Akito rolls his eyes at the unconvincing answer but the teachers all get the feeling that he is holding back a smile. The close relationship is obvious to all three and settles some underlying nerves that the two underground heroes had that something was off about their students 'parent'. Nedzu, in his cunning, redirects the conversation. "So Mr. Yoichen, you must be proud of your kids, excellent grades, highly intelligent to the point of being far above most of their peers, and impressive control over their quirks." Akito nods, " Of course I am proud. those three worked so hard to get where they are. But, I can't take much credit for how they are, it was their brother Izuku here who pushed them to enter UA and helped them the most." As the android says this he gives the aforementioned boy a soft head pat and slightly ruffles his kid's hair. 

Nedzu smiles, and this is no innocent smile, it is the type of smile that worries the people who works for him and is one of the reasons that he is called the scheming rat god of UA. "Interesting, and how old are you Izuku?" With a slight urn of his head Izuku is 'staring' straight at Nedzu, "16, like the others." this makes the two pro's wonder about the logistics of having 4 16 year olds, adoptions or multiple mothers, or what have it. Nedzu though is still focusing on Izuku, "Oh? Did you ever apply to UA?" Izuku smiles a smile strikingly similar to Nedzu's, " I am sure you know the answer, but no. I never did." The boy just barely keeps himself from also saying, 'and I never wanted to.' but feels that statement would bring up some red flags that he doesn't need. Not that he doesn't think Nedzu already has guessed at that possibility. Aizawa looks at him and says something that he only partially believes, " Why not? Even blind I am sure you could make for a good hero, maybe not frontlines but support or business even would have been honorable." Izuku laughs, "UA has a requirement that I do not meet, having a Quirk." (Yes I know that in the show it is mentioned that the needing to a quirk rule changed but for the sake of my story it didn't). With that comment leaving Aizawa and Mic in a stunned silence Izuku leans back, leaving Akito to pick up the conversation. (The only reason that the two are startled is that with how rare quirkless people are they had never met one, and having siblings with quirks they had just assumed that he had one two. Honestly they had assumed his blindness was from some sort of accident with his quirk.) "Yes, Izuku and I are quirkless. His siblings are truly blessed to have their powerful quirks, that is no thanks to my genetics. Izuku sadly has more of my side when it comes to looks and abilities..." Akito says with a sigh. And this is true, Aktio does look similar to Izuku in some ways, this was purposely done by Izuku so as to pass as family. 

Then Izuku, or in actuality, 'TechBat' gets a notification of a message on his glasses. "Hey Dad... I need to step out for a sec. My phone vibrated and I don't want the auto read feature to interrupt..." He says, trying to keep how tense he is hidden behind a mask of embarrassment and mild hesitance. Akito understands exactly what is happening due to having received the same notification. He smiles, "Sorry kiddo, I suppose you want to talk to your friends. You have been expecting their call for a while. I should have left you at the house, but you know how I worry about you. Don't go to far. I might not be able to find you if you get lost..." Izuku smiles, "I will only go down a little way, I can lower the volume and not be to far. Or... I can remember how to get back to the car. Would that be okay? I might take longer to call them back but then I can at least talk properly..." Akito pretends to think for a moment but then nods. " Go ahead." Izuku gets up and gives the heroes a bow before leaving the room. And the three UA staff members can't help but notice that something has changed about the boy. 

"I am sorry if I come across as short with you or impatient, but is there anything else that you need? If not I will excuse myself." Akito asks. Aizawa clears his throat. "I would like to bring the kids in for a few minutes, then you can take your leave." Akito nods absentmindedly, "If you must." The fact that his mind is no longer on the meeting is very obvious to the other men in the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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