Tech_Bat; He's a slippery one!

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Heroes like Mic and Aizawa usually have to deal with tech based cases just because they are the ones best suited to deal with them and aren't big deals. Honestly, most underground heroes have to deal with tech cases at least a few times in their careers, something that lime light heroes don't deal with or know much about just because they don't bother to look into the topic. Over the course of time that Mic and Aizawa has been on Izuku's case he has made it his hobby to mess with them a bit. Now, they aren't the only underground heroes or law officials on his case, far from it! But, Izuku admires Mic and Aizawa, he thinks highly of them and their hero philosophies, so he messes with them. Typically as soon as they have some sort of account and try to learn about/ capture/ or stop him he leads them on just to drop a message along the lines of, "Sure thing Eraser, I'm sure the government would love to buy my modded computer." or "Before we go on to todays business, did you really have to play that  song on your radio station last night Mic?" This has been going on so long that Mic and Aizawa just go along with it. Honestly, they have gotten to the point where they consider him like a sort of screw lose friend that likes to keep them on their toes. 

Of course, there is a lot about Tech_Bat that Mic and Aizawa don't know, like the fact that he has 4 helpers. Akito of course works for Izuku, making and delivering tech and making underground deals for Izuku. The other three are kids his age that after forming friendships online Izuku became aware of their poor living conditions or abusive homes. When he found out about that he sent them money and directions to his home. When they showed up Izuku deleted all evidence of them ever having existed from the records other than forged adoption certificates putting them under the guardianship of 'Akito Yoichen' and a few school records that he tampered with so that Akito showed up as the guardian and contact info.  And these People are Charger_^.^_ A.K.A Denki Kaminari, Voice_Mod who in real life is a sleepy boy by the name of Hitoshi Shinso,  and xX-Audio.Jack-Xx who is also known as Kyouka Jirou. Under his tutelage the three improve in regards to their tech skills and quirks. They help him in ways that are not illegal since Izuku wants them to be able to live normal lives if they ever choose to. Thanks to Izuku's help the three find a new family with Izuku and Akito. While the three legal keep their names, they consider themself part of the Yoichen family, Akito is like a father to all of the kids and Izuku is like an elder brother. Shinso and Denki act  sort of like twins while Jirou is like the youngest due to having been 'adopted' into the family last. 

That isn't even the interesting part, the origin of the familial name they use, 'Yoichen', is much more interesting. 'Yoichen' it is too sided in a sense. See, Izuku had found old data back up's of AFO's A.K.A Izuku's father. In it AFO keeps a record of what he has done in the past. In it Izuku found references of a brother, Yoichi. Izuku also took the Idea of Yoi oji-chan (good uncle in an enduring form of speaking more or less is what Yoi Oji-chan translates to in English. If you put it in translate It will say "good uncle-chan". Chan is a Japanese honorific that shows that the subject is adorable or as a way to show fondness.)  Then Izuku mashed the idea's together and modified it so that it was closer to a name, giving him the end result of Yoichen. 

And surely Mic and Aizawa would be amazed to know that about a month into UA's school year the 'siblings' teachers, A.K.A them, notice that the three are academically levels ahead of their classmates and don't show a partiality towards either heroes or villains, instead showing interest in anyone that is particularly powerful or rich. The staff also notice that the three only interact with each other out of their own free will, not mingling with their classmates if they can help it. The three will talk to their class mates if they are required too or sometimes answer if the other students talk to them first. Yet some how the fact that the three also walk home together when they go to their house on the weekend from the school dorms somehow escapes the two very observant pro heroes. When Aizawa and Mic bring it up to Nedzu the principal decides to set up a parent teacher meeting and take a batter look at the students files and background. 

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