Family Matters

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There are three people in the resident Rat god of UA's office today. A sleepy black haired caterpillar, a loud yellow cockatoo, and the rat god him self. The sleepy hero is the first to speak, "So, why did you call us here Nedzu? Were you able to set up the parent teacher conferences with the problem children and their parents?" Nedzu clears his throat, "That's why I called you here. You see-" Nedzu is cut off by the loud voice hero. "WHATS UP?!?!" Nedzu gives Mic a look of amusement before continuing, "As I was saying, I haven't set up the meeting yet because I wanted to talk to you two about them first. Namely the fact that for all three of the students that you wanted to set meetings up for only have one parent." Aizawa frowns irritably, "I don't see the issue for setting up the meetings. So they could all possibly have unstable families and are better to understand each other, hence why they hang out with each other so much but, that doesn't deal with the other stuff we wanted to talk about with their respective parent." Nedzu shakes his head, "No, you don't understand. They all have the same one parent showing up. I looked in to their records more. When I had let them in to UA I had only done a brief skim and didn't seen anything concerning. Know I know why. No family, no records of... anything. All they have is school records and doctor records. They all have the same man listed as their father." 

Aizawa and Mic share a look. For Nedzu of all people to not be able to find more on them means something is really off. And the fact that they all have the same... father?... guardian?... what ever he is to them is even stranger. And just mildly suspicious. "Well... This will be interesting to say the least." Aizawa says while rubbing his temples. Nedzu agrees with a shit eating grin, enjoying the sight of Aizawa getting a head ache due to the information overload. "WHAT IS THE LITTLE LISTENER'S FATHERS NAME?" Mic asks. Nedzu slides a folder over, on it is the name 'Akito Yoichen'. In it is proof of past employment as a mechanic and latter on as an IT as well as a collage transcript from a collage in Thailand for Technology. Other than that the only things in the folder is a nondescript, is fairly large house and the three kids that Aizawa and Mic had wanted to set up conferences for in the first place. Mic and Aizawa think for a moment then shake their heads, "Never heard of him." Nedzu points a paw at him, "Exactly, and before his collage transcript there is no record of him, as if he never existed. In fact when I looked in to his jobs, they were done all on his own, purely him making and being paid directly in cash. Not only is this man practically nonexistent, but he has no listed quirk as far as I could find. So the real question is how did he have three kids powerful enough to get in to the most prestigious hero schools top class? And why haven't we heard of him?" 

Akito carefully is moving around the kitchen making lunch for Izuku when he gets a phone call. With extreme concentration Akito sets the now empty but still hot pan down in the sink then answers his phone. "Hello?" Izuku looks up from the work he was doing on his computer and slips on a pair of headphones and motions to Akito to patch him in so he can hear as well. "Hello. You are Akito Yoichen aren't you?" Akito looks at Izuku who nods for him to go ahead. "Yes this is. And who is this may I ask?" The voice on the other side of the line seems slightly amused, "Ah yes, sorry about that. I am Nedzu from UA highschool."  Akito's eyes widen, "Has something happened? Are my kids safe?!" Izuku frowns, the way that the rat is speaking doesn't indicate any sort of problem, and Izuku is sure he would have found out if something was wrong at the school. The rat-mouse-bear creature puts Akito's fear to rest. "No, no such thing. I was just calling in order to arrange a parent teacher meeting."  Akito lets out a 'sigh' of relief then frowns again. "That is no problem but... would it be alright if I brought my son with? Leaving him alone at home for an unknown amount of time is not ideal." Nedzu hesitates, "Sure. I don't see why you couldn't..." Izuku gives an evil little grin and Akito just fondly rolls his eyes at his son. "Thank you so much. When will the meeting be?" 

Izuku disconnects himself from the call and instead grabs his phone to make a call of his own. Shinso answers the phone with a yawn, "Yeah?" Denki grabs the phone and turns the call into a video call. "Hey Mido!!" Jirou gets up from her seat and pauses her music, "Hey Iz." she greets. Izuku smiles, glad to see his siblings. "Hey guys! I was calling cuz Nedzu just called Dad about a conference. And of course I'm going to be there too. Just thought I would tell y'all." Shinso frowns, "I wonder why...?" the others shrug and Shinso just decides not to worry about it. "No matter! You will be there so everything will be great!!" Denki says excitedly. They talk for a few more minutes till Akito finishes his call with Nedzu. "Well, Dad is done setting up the meeting so I will text you guys the date later. Bye!" The others give quick good byes as Izuku hangs up. Akito places a bowl of beef tips and udon noodle soup in front of Izuku. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Their teachers are Eraserhead and Present Mic after all. They are the two main heroes=es on your case." Akito nags Izuku. The boy just laughs care free and eats a bite of his food. "It is good like always Akito, thanks. And don't worry so much! Even if they figure out I'm Tech_Bat, which they wont-" Akito frowns, "They could-" The greenett points his chop sticks at him, "Which they wont. They wouldn't be able to arrest me anyways. Not that they would want to." Akito raises an eyebrow at Izuku, "And why wouldn't they want to? It is quite literally their job to do that." 

Izuku takes another bite of his food, "Wmhile Ie maygh beh a vigilaghntai-" Akito shakes his head, "Don't talk with your mouthful Izuku." he admonishes. Izuku quickly chews and swallows with a chagrined smile, "While I may be a Vigilante, we enjoy a fun, working relationship!" Akito's only response to such a ridiculous statement in a snort of laughter. "Working relationship my ass." he mutters with a hint of amusement. Izuku puts his hands up, "Okay, I admit that  may be a bit of a stretch but, they find me entertaining. And besides, we get along pretty well." Akito takes Izuku's now empty plate and just walks out with them. Izuku smiles, "Hey Dad? When is the meeting?" Akito yells the answer from the other room, "Next week on Friday." 

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