Welcome 'Home' Kids! (How they met)

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[Any similarities in the gamer tags I made to any you might see in real life are coincidental, I did not base them off of any one. And thanks for reading!!      ~Author-San!] 


Izuku smiles as he wins yet another game. Over his com set a voice starts talking, "Come on! No fair!! Bun-Bun! Your a pro gamer, how was I suppose to come anywhere near your skill?" The name tag says 'Charger_^.^_'. Izuku has played with him before, he seems to be his age and is one of the best gamers Izuku has met on the nonprofessional servers. "Don't be so hard on your self Charger You did good! Most people don't do anywhere so good against me." Izuku can almost feel the joy at the compliment from the other side of the com. 


The sound comes from Charger's side of the com. "Hey, you good over there?" Izuku asks, wondering if he fell off of his chair or something but... he has a bad feeling. That crash sounded too violent to just be something as simple as falling out of a chair. "O-oh-!! Yeah-...! I'm fine!! J- just dropped my m-mic when I was trying to fix my hair. Hey- It has been an honor to play with you but- I really have to go... C- could we play latter man?" Izuku frowns, "Sure. It was fun playing with you, your pretty good. Lets be on a team next time. Well... talk to you latter I guess..." Izuku doesn't want to leave Charger on his own, especially since his sudden nervousness does not bode well with Izuku but, he can't do much with out seeming suspicious to the other gamer. "Cool! Send me a friend request and that way we can see when the other is active! Welp, time for me to go, talk to you later!" Then the line goes dead. 


Izuku was browsing fan made skins and modifications for abilities and weapons for a few games he really like when one of the modded guns catches Izuku's attention. The detail is immaculate, as he looks closer he notices all of the complicated code that was involved in making the modification and that the base is original too. A few hours latter and Izuku is determined to find and play with who ever made the gun. He had clicked on the makers profile and found tons of original and cool modifications, skins, tips, hacks, and other stuff. From what Izuku has gathered they are a teenage boy that lives some where near by. He seems to be online mostly late at night. A day or so later 'Voice_Mod' goes online. With a little bit of hacking Izuku makes sure he is on the moder's server for a match. Just as the name implies, an obvious voice modifier is in use while the boy is talking on mic. Its a custom one as far as Izuku can tell, its not quite like a normal voice but, with a little fine tunning it could. The boy is not that good at the game but Izuku notices the little hacks the voice gamer uses to help his teammates with out them noticing, causing his team to win. From adjusting spawn rates, and changing loot drop coding to make certain objects do more stuff or have higher stats. Izuku just watches Voice_Mod, not doing anything for his team or against Voice_Mod's. 

When the match is done Izuku sends an in game message to Voice_Mod. 

Black_Bunny *In game message* : Hey, you did pretty good. But, I can tell that the hacking and modding side is your strong suit yeah?

Voice_Mod *In game message* : So you noticed huh? What are you going to do, report me to the moderators, try to get my account banned or suspended? 

Black_Bunny *In game message* : Whoa there buddy! Hold your horses! It was a compliment, I am quite the fan of your work, I bought quite a few of your skins and Modded item packs. And, the way that you changed the code for loot and spawn is an interesting tactic, I might have to start using it some times. 

Voice_Mod *In game message* : Oh- Sorry about that, most people don't like hackers that much. And its nice to meet some one that is a fan of my work, didn't know I had any fans actually. And I have to ask but, why is your tag so familiar to me? Have we played a few tournaments together or something, or are we friends in game or something? 

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