A Blog Worthy Confrontation

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*In the 1-A dorm room*

Shinsou, Jirou, and Denki are flooped on a couch together reading their 'elder' brother's most recent blog post as Black_Bunny. As they read the Baku-squad, AKA: Sero, Kiri, Mina, and of course Bakugou notice that the siblings are all looking at something on Shin's phone. The decide to check it out, thinking that it must be something hilariously embarrassing or inappropriate, carefully sneaking over to the couch. As they peak over their class mates shoulder's the band of brats are disappointed by an average seeming nerdy blog. "TCH. You guys are such boring nerds..." Bakugou says with a condescending hand motion while he turns to walk away, annoyed that he put the time and effort into sneaking up on them for a blog. "Come onnnnnnnnnnn-! Why don't you three hang out with us and do something actually fun for once!" Sero asks them in a playful whine, poking Kaminari's shoulder. Shinsou bats the raven haired boy's hand away from his brother's shoulder and frowns at the Baku-squad. "Yeah! That would be SUPER manly!" Kiri agrees with his signature adorable shark teeth smile. His innocent kindness makes Kaminari think about the offer for a second. "Yeah! You three are the only ones in the classs I have no tea on! We should get to know each other!" Mina says, her voice persuasive. The annoying implications that are very obvious being that she will share their personal information stops any inclination any of the three had to join them on the spot.

Now the three all answer with no second thoughts or doubts, "Nope"-Jirou, "HARD pass"- Shin says annoyed, "I'm good"- Kaminari says with an uncomfortable look at Mina and her gossip spreading smile. "Wha-? C'mon guys, why not?!" Sero asks annoyed at the immediate negative responses. "We are busy reading Black Bunny's latest post, you guys just interrupted us, and we already have plans." Jirou replies, giving back Sero's sassy attitude tenfold and not liking him not accepting that they are not interested. "WHO THE HELL IS BLACK BUNNY? THEY SOUND WEAK!!" Bakugou shouts in his typical nonsensical manner of anger. The sibling's scowl at the Pomeranian like boy for indirectly insulting their brother. Kiri notices their reaction and tries to jump in and defuse the situation. "Bakubro! Be nice, I'm sure if Kamibro, Shinbro, and Jirou dudette think that this Black Bunny dude is cool that he probably is!" Kiri gives Bakugou a slightly pleading look, just wanting his classmates to all get along. "Hmp, what ever..." Shinsou gets up, "We're leaving." Denki scrambles to get up and follow his 'twin' while Jirou takes her time and stretches as she gets up, making sure to shoot a glare at most of the Bakusquad on the way out and just giving Kirishima a quick searching glance before she is turning down the hallway that leads to Shinsou's dorm. Sero sighs annoyed, "I guess we pissed them off Bakubro" Sero says in a condescending way. Kiri smacks his friend, ashamed. "Not cool Sero." Mina rolls her eyes then smiles, "I know what we can do!" Kirishima turns to the pink girl with a small smile, "What's your idea Mina?" Bakugou scoffs, "Knowing Pinky its going to be a stupid idea." Sero hides a small grin and laugh of agreement while Kiri frowns at his friends, 'They didn't use to be like this...' The red head thinks sadly. "Lets read some of this, 'BlackBunny' persons stuff! This way we have something we can talk about with them [embarrass them with]!"

Sero agrees with the hope of it being something he can use to tease them and Kiri agrees with the hope of bonding with his class mates. "How about it Bakugou?" Mina asks with a sleek smile. "Tch, I guess I have nothing better to do..." Bakugou mutters. Surprisingly as they read the blog they all agree that the stuff is interesting. From the stories of Black Bunny's family to his youtube videos on gaming, the Baku squad finds themselves slowly getting sucked into his BlackBunny's fan base. (In his Bloggs Izuku is careful not to gie away to much info, using just their gamer tags to refer to the others, Akito being Dad, and no mentions of adoption or anything like that. He doesn't even mention his siblings being students of UA. He has occasional mentions of their quirks but not enough to identify them.) And while the Baku squad finds it strange that their classmates are similar to the dynamic tri of siblings from the blog they mark it off as that being why they read it and nothing else. 

HI everyone! Author- Chan here!!! I am here with a short update to the story and to thank every one for all the support. I know I have not been good about posting and hopefully will be better about it this summer as I have a lighter work schedule now. Also a reminder that I will be removing all of my stories but this one from my channel on June 20th due to me not having motivation or ideas for them/ not agreeing with or liking most of my old stories any more. This also include my most viewed and liked story, "Birds of a Feather". Honestly, I have changed alot since I started this channel and my writing and sort of  hate most of my other stuff now. I will be keeping and trying my best to finish this story still but as some of you might have noticed, it is not a HawksDeku story any more. I started out trying to make it that kind of story and it just didn't work out with how it was coming out with pen and paper. Again thank you all for all the support and please enjoy reading this story and any others I may write in the future. 

~love, Author-chan, MultiShipChaos <3

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