Chapter 18

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2 years later

I can't believe my baby boy turns 2 today, my little beanie's growing up so fast. We're having a birthday party for him in the backyard, dinosaur themed because he insisted that he has to have a T-Rex birthday. Luciano looks just like his father, his chocolate brown eyes his black midnight hair down to his tanned olive skin that he keeps year round. He's like a mini version of Enzo, even acts like him too.
The day I gave birth both Cheryl and Caine were in the room with me, I didn't want to be alone. That day I told them who I really was and who I was hiding from. They were shocked but quick to forgive me, I told them why I was hiding from Luciano's father he wasn't a bad man but he was a liar who might have not hurt me physically but he had mentally. Cheryl and Caine are like family now, little Luci calls Cheryl Mimi and on some occasions he's called Caine daddy. I tried to tell him that Caine's not his daddy but he's determined that Caine's his, he doesn't mind just letting Luci do his thing. I still call Luca and Melanie but it's once in a while now, like 1-2 times a month. I haven't asked for updates on Enzo because honestly I don't want to know.
"Mama, Mama!" Little feet patter on the ground until a small figure slams into me.
"Yes baby?" Innocent brown eyes look up at me, frosting smeared all over his mouth, a half eaten cupcake in his hands.
"Is baby sister want cupcake?" He pats my rounded belly. Yes I'm pregnant again. I gave in to my weakness 6 months ago and later found out I got pregnant from that night. In case you're wondering Caine's the father and he knows. I rub my stomach feeling my daughter kick, even though I wasn't trying to get pregnant I'm happy about this baby and Caine is too. He's actually gone crazy, he built a wooden crib for her, had her room repainted and decorated. He says he's going to spoil his little princess as much as he can. Princess has daddy wrapped around her little finger already, she gives a strong kick as if she's saying she's daddy's only princess.
"Huh, Mama." Luciano tugs on my dress, who the hell gave him a cupcake, probably Cheryl she loves to spoil my son rotten. I grab a napkin and wet it wiping the frosting off his face.
"No Mama, no!" He giggled, his laugh like music to my ears filling my heart with joy.
"Yes baby, you're dirty."
"I not dirty Mama, I clean." He puffs out his chest, I chuckle and push his curls from his face. Caine walks in from the back door.
"Daddy!, Mama say I dirty." He runs to Caine and Caine lifts him up into his arms.
"Hey little man, well Mama's wrong you're clean." He tickles Luciano and he erupts into giggles.
"Stop daddy!" He continues giggling.
"Now go out back and go play with the other kids." He sets him down and Luciano runs out to the back. He walks to me and pulls me into a hug.
"How are my girls doing?" He asked. Me and Caine are kinda in a relationship, I just didn't want to put a label on it. I've moved into his house the same day I found out I was pregnant and when Cheryl found out she screamed, she couldn't wait to meet her great grand baby.
"We're both fine but your daughter keeps kicking my bladder." He smiles wide, I'm happy being with Caine I can almost say that I feel free since there's no more secrets in between us.
"Come out to the back it's time to sing happy birthday." We walk hand in hand to a table with the biggest cake a two year old can have, with a T-Rex on it and the number 2 candle lit up. I look around and see friends and family Amanda, Zac, and Emma from the clinic, some of Cheryl's friends and some of Caine's friends and cousins. I can't help but wish that Mom, Melanie and Luca were here. I've sent some pictures of Luciano to Mom but Luca has no idea I had a baby or that I have another one on the way.
"Happy birthday to you..." People start singing happy birthday and Luciano stands there with the biggest grin I've ever seen on his face, I get a little teary eyed thinking about how fast he's grown. I rub my stomach happy that I'm going to experience the same thing with princess. We haven't named her yet waiting till the day she's born to pick one.
Luciano blows his candle and slices of cake is passed around to everybody.
"Are you happy baby?" Caine asked.
"Yeah, I'm happy thank you for helping me with Luciano's birthday today." He pulls me closer to his body.
"Anytime baby, you and that boy are my family now along with little princess who gets to be here soon."He stares at my belly lovingly, probably completely enraptured about meeting his princess soon.

After everyone leaves and Luciano is put to bed, me, Caine and Cheryl are still up sitting at the kitchen table.
"When will you guys get married?" I choke on the water I was drinking wiping my mouth with a towel while Caine rubs my back.
"Mimi, I told you that Aella's not ready, we're taking things nice and really slow." Caine said.
Ever since I've told them what my real name was they resorted to calling me Aella in private and Ella in public.
"I know peanut, I just wanna see you get married before it's time for me to die." I don't even want to think about Cheryl dying, it would break me. She's like my grandmother now and without her how could we go on.
"Don't say that, you're only 69. You've got about 30 more years in you." Caine sternly says to her, I guess we both hate the thought of her dying.
"If you say so peanut, I gotta get going to bed though, see you two tomorrow." She gets up and leaves.
Caine looks deep in thought, I take his hands into mine, "Caine don't worry about it Mimi is as strong as a horse." I reassure him with a smile.
"Anyways, let's go to bed." I stand up and drag him up the stairs, Smack! What the heck? Did he just smack my ass. I turn to see him smirking at me.
"Did you just smack me on the ass?"
"Yeah I couldn't help myself, your ass was bouncing around in my face." He shrugged his shoulders.
"When we go up into our room you're so gonna get it." I told him, a teasing lilt can be heard in my voice.
"Whatever you do I will happily enjoy it." I shake my head, walking into our bedroom I close the door once he comes in.


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Where the fuck are you Aella? Two years and 6 months and you're still missing. Luca is still giving me reports but nothing has come up. I've visited Melanie a couple times over the past few months to see if Aella magically showed up but she doesn't even seem fazed or worried. I'm still CEO of Mancini Global but now I rule with an iron fist, destroying small businesses, buying out any type of business and making them my own. I'm building my hotels on grounds I've bought out from families forcing them from their generational homes. I can't say that I regret what I'm doing because I was on Forbes magazine last month as the richest man in the world. I just wish that Aella was here to experience the wealth with me, without her I can't say that I've experienced it. I'm barely home anymore, spending all my time in the office. Last year I had it renovated to have a shower built in and a closet so that I can take showers and store some clothes here.

Luca walks in face looking grim.
"I have the latest report on Aella, still nothing found." He tosses the folder on my desk and looks to the left, if I look hard enough I can tell that he has his guard up like he's hiding something. What are you hiding Luca?
"Are you hiding something Luca?" I asked. His eyes widen slightly there that's my answer.
"No, I'm not hiding anything from you." Why is he lying to me? He shifts from foot to foot, tapping his finger against his thigh, a nervous habit he's always had.
"You can leave." He bolts out the room.
Whatever you know Luca, I have every intention of finding out even if I have to force it out of you.

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