Chapter 3

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"Shinazugawa Sanemi, a demon slayer, the wind hashira." He introduced himself as he held his chin up to which Y/n cracked a smile and Sanemi couldn't help but smile along with her.

"I'm Y/n.....Ishioka, a housewife but I secretly sell medicines in the market when that man is not around." She smiled and Sanemi's expression saddened at how she was living her life. She couldn't even do what she wanted and that hell of her husband beat her for no reason at all.

"You should go back to your parents if he's tormenting you so much. How many more days do you think you can hold up against him?" He said, genuinely out of concern and Y/n simply smiled.

"I married the man thinking that I could get away from the hell my own parents made me live in but I think it's my misfortune that I ended up here." She smiled sadly and Sanemi could see the pain reflecting in her eyes. He sighed and sipped his tea which was very delicious. His all fatigue and tiredness had vanished as he drank the tea.

"You should run away at least." He added and Y/n giggled while Sanemi frowned. He wasn't joking when he suggested her that, ofcourse she could run; hell, he was ever ready to help her run.

"You think I didn't try that?" She asked and Sanemi sighed again. He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Do you know what's love?" She asked him and Sanemi remained silent. The last piece of emotion he could ever feel was love. Although he loved his brother but he doubted whether he loved him back the same way.

"I...don't know..." he mumbled and Y/n smiled, "even me....I heard it's a very beautiful feeling." She added and smiled over the thought while Sanemi just looked at her.

"Sanemi san...." she trailed off as she frowned and he intently looked at her as she continued, "will you still be friends with me after knowing that I'm married?" She asked and looked at him but found him dumbfounded. He cracked a smile and she blushed, "eh?! Is it even a question? Ofcourse I would." He said in his usual gruff deep voice and Y/n smiled.


And two months passed away soon with Y/n's life being more peaceful and happier than before only because of a certain man, Sanemi. He had been visiting the girl whenever he got time from his missions.

And unknowingly, both had developed a liking towards each other. The feeling she had never felt with Kurayami was what she felt in Sanemi's presence. She now loved being with him, every moment spent with him was precious somehow and that was the same what Sanemi felt.

He was always very excited and giddy to meet her and it was obvious to the other Hashiras that this wind hashira was acting different than usual. He looked somehow more happier than usual, although he didn't actually smile but all of them were hashiras and  they could sense the change in emotions very well. But whenever they asked him he would only shout back at them.

And now, Sanemi was again with Y/n but it was different this time. Sanemi had the girl trapped with his hands on either side of her head while the girl only blushed with her hands clenching on his haori since he was so close.

Apparently Y/n and Sanemi were having a walk along side the trail of trees when Y/n told Sanemi about how she liked romantic things and that was how they ended up in the current state.

"You like this?" He whispered in his deep gruff voice as he neared his head to her ear.

"Hai." She whispered in her low sweet voice, driving Sanemi crazy.

"You like-" "So this is what you do when I go out?" Y/n's eyes widened at the voice and her hands which were fisting Sanemi's haori, tightened. She slowly stepped towards him, now fully hiding herself against his chest as fear crawled up her.

Sanemi simply scoffed at the voice but his attention was fixated on Y/n's dreading fear and so he brought his hand, which was resting on the tree, to the back of her head; caressing it as if telling her she was safe with him.

Kurayami was getting angrier by every passing second as he saw what was happening. He clenched his jaw tightly as he bored holes into Sanemi's head but the wind hashira was unbothered to the least. His full attention was into calming the girl down and although Sanemi was not so good with his words he decided he would calm her down by caressing her head.

"So is this where you get the money from? By sleeping with different men when I'm not around?" Kurayami said as he gritted his teeth with a low voice and these words ached Y/n while Sanemi eyes shot back at the man with pure anger.

"You speak another word about her and I'll fucking ground you." He muttered in a dangerously low voice before he pulled away from Y/n and swiftly pulled her behind him so that she was completely shielded from the man.

"Like I said before she's my wife and-" "That doesn't mean you can treat her however you want. She's not an object, she's a human too." He muttered while glaring daggers at the man and Kurayami was scared, the presence of Sanemi, his built and his eyes were so scary that Kurayami thought of almost running away. But no, he needed to teach his wife a lesson and so he strode infront not fearing the dominant Male's presence.

"Y/n, go inside your room. NOW." Kurayami snapped and Y/n curtly ran to her room as tears coursed down her eyes. All the happiness and comfort she got while spending her time with Sanemi was about to end. She didn't want this happen and she was ready to do anything to go back to him but she was also scared of Kurayami. And so she decided to rush to her room and lock it so that Kurayami doesn't enter inside.

Kurayami smirked at this and he looked back Sanemi who glared at him.

"See, she still loves me." He said with his chin held up high and Sanemi laughed in sarcasm while the other male simply frowned at him.

"I'm going to fucking take her away from here. I can't see her suffer anymore here." He muttered and sprinted away leaving an enraged Kurayami.



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