Chapter 45

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Sanemi hadn’t received any letters from Y/n for a while, but today, his crow finally delivered one. The letter was meant to reach him the day she left for her mission, but the crow had been delayed. Before it could deliver the message, they received the devastating news of Y/n's condition. Now, as he sat beside her bed, every sense on high alert, ready to hold her the moment she woke up, he unfolded the letter with trembling hands. His eyes filled with emotion as he began to read.

“Sanemi, I’m going on a mission to Mount Natagumo, but I promise I’ll take care of myself and come back to you in one piece. But you have to promise to come back to me in one piece too. Please take care and know that I miss you and your touch a lot. I love you so much!”

He murmured, "Silly girl," as tears finally spilled over, streaming down his face. He tried to wipe them away, but they kept flowing, unstoppable, as the weight of her words and the reality of her condition pressed down on him. The room was filled with the quiet sound of his sobs, a stark contrast to the silent, still figure lying on the bed.

As time passed, Sanemi found himself slipping back into his old ways when his wife was still sleeping, breathing on the bed and trying to come back to him. Initially, the girl's love had softened his rough edges, revealing a more tender and compassionate side of him. But the fear and helplessness he felt during this state of his wife reignited the fire of his former harshness.

Sanemi's days became a relentless routine of vigil at her bedside and grueling demon-hunting missions. He lashed out at anyone who tried to offer comfort or assistance, viewing their pity as weakness. His interactions with others became even more curt and aggressive than before, as he struggled to cope with the overwhelming sense of loss and vulnerability.

In the battlefield, his ferocity intensified. Sanemi channeled his pain and frustration into every strike, fighting with a reckless abandon that worried his fellow demon slayers. The raw, unbridled anger that had once been tempered by his love now had fueled his every move, making him a terrifying force against the demons, but also a liability to himself and his comrades.

Despite his outward harshness, there were moments of solitude where Sanemi's facade crumbled. Alone by his Y/n's side, he allowed himself to grieve, holding her hand and whispering apologies for not being able to protect her. These brief moments of vulnerability were the only indication of the deep love and anguish he felt, hidden beneath layers of anger and pain.

Sanemi's return to his rough behavior was a defense mechanism, a way to shield himself from the unbearable thought of losing his wife. It's a reminder that beneath his tough exterior lies a heart that loves deeply, and a soul that is profoundly tormented by the fear of loss.

Although the Kakushis saw Sanemi's harsh side, they also noticed the small, soft gestures he made for Y/n. They saw how he would change the flowers in the pot every day, carefully selecting the freshest blooms, and how he would peel and cut apples, always hoping for that moment when his (h/c) head would finally open her eyes and give him her love and adoration filled attention.

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