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Chapter 4 -
July 2019

Indulging in her insatiable love for desserts, Hallie Routledge had the upper hand in choosing their destination. There was no doubt in Pope Heyward's mind that she would lead them straight to their local ice cream parlor. However, just as Hallie couldn't resist the allure of a delectable treat, he found himself unable to deny her request.

But, watching her face light up with radiant hues of bliss made it all worth it to him.

With each step they took across the sandy beach, the brunette's everyday sneakers sunk into the soft grains. In her hand, a waffle cone cradled a delicious chocolate ice cream, covered in a ridiculous amount of chocolate sprinkles that she insisted was absolutely necessary.

Swiftly, Pope strode alongside her, holding his own ice cream. His mint chocolate chip cone had already been half eaten, with only a small amount remaining. As they made their way back to the château, the sweet aroma of their melting treats filled the air.

"You really think your parents liked me?" The brunette asked, her voice purposefully devoid of excitement as she licked the side of her ice cream nonchalantly.

Hallie was used to picking up her friends without a trace of nerves. However, when she approached Heyward's Seafood to meet Pope during his break, an unfamiliar pit formed in her stomach. It was important to her that his parents approved of her and her presence, especially considering how frequently they hung out together. She longed for them to take a genuine liking to her company.

The boy chuckled softly, stealing a glance at her. His parents were not difficult to please, but as always, she managed to make a lasting impression. "Yeah, I've never seen my dad smile so much talking to a pogue."

Her smile widened at the news, her gaze shifting down to the sand in front of her. "Good," she murmured, before glancing back at him. "I really liked them," she added. "They're sweet."

"They have their moments," he shrugged. "But strict is probably a more fitting word." He spoke matter-of-factly, recalling the words his father stressed to him as they left, reminding him not to be late for his shift.

"Don't worry," she reassured him. "We're already here." She pointed ahead of them to the chateau. Hallie hopped onto the dock, with Pope following closely behind. Side by side, they walked up to the shack, their ice cream cones already finished.

The girl gracefully bounded up the two steps leading to her front door. She then turned to face the teen boy, who remained at the bottom, their heights aligning perfectly. With a beaming smile that radiated warmth, she continued. "See? You'll make it on time for your shift and your parents won't have to hate me."

The boy chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. A smile formed on his lips, mirroring the infectious happiness of hers. "I don't think that will ever be an issue," he replied, his chuckle subsiding.

With a teasing smile, she playfully asked, "So, you're saying you can sneak in then?" Her optimistic expression showed through as she adjusted the hat he had given her a few weeks ago, fixing it to securely sit on her head.

A heavy sigh escaped Pope's lips, laden with a tinge of sadness. His shift at the restaurant loomed ahead, demanding his presence. "No, I do need to get back," he confessed, his tone filled with regret. The urgency in his voice was palpable as the minutes he needed to get there on time slipped away.

Hallie's eyes twinkled with hope. "Alright then, tomorrow?" She proposed. "We can go to the library together. Heard they're getting a new batch of books," she shared, knowing well he'd enjoy the news.

However, before she could bask in his agreement, he interjected. "Actually," the boy interrupted, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes. "I'm going fishing with John B and JJ."

Her curiosity piqued causing the young pogue to tilt her head. "Since when were you friends with them?" she queried, genuinely surprised by this unexpected bond.

Although Hallie probably should have seen it coming, she didn't. The idea never crossed her mind that her older brother would hang out with her best friend. After all, John B hadn't made any effort to befriend Pope beyond their initial interaction of tutoring her.

However, as much as it surprised her, she couldn't deny the logic behind it. Both John B and Pope were in the same grade, sharing common interests, so it was almost inevitable for their paths to intersect again. Yet, despite the underlying possibility, the girl couldn't shake off the blindsiding effect it had on her.

Shrugging nonchalantly, he replied with a smile, "Since the other day, when I came over and you weren't here. We talked for a bit and they invited me."

Hallie felt her apprehension grow as she heard of the unexpected friendship. Throughout their lives, Hallie and John B had shared everything—well, almost everything. Friends were an exception to their tight bond. While her brother's friends had always been friendly towards her, they treated the Routledge girl as if she were a child, neglecting to acknowledge she was fifteen-year-old — only a year younger than most of them.

Yet, the radiant smile illuminating Pope's face and the genuine excitement vibrating in his voice melted the brunette's concerns. Deep down, she knew she shouldn't stand in the way. After all, it was Pope Heyward she was talking about, he would never allow their unbreakable bond to falter.

"Okay," she mused aloud with a playful sigh. "I suppose I can share you with those two," she teased.

(Not edited)
Uh oh, Pope got new besties.
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