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Chapter 5 -
August 2019

Given the precious gift of a rare day off, Pope Heyward rejoiced in the freedom that awaited him. With summer days coming to an end, he appreciated the generosity of his father, who had granted him a break from his regular responsibilities. As a smile adorned his face, anticipation coursing through his veins, Pope wasted no time in preparing for the day ahead. Excitement brimmed within him as he already knew exactly how he wanted to spend his first day off.

Hallie Routledge spotted Pope's father's boat in the distance, gracefully gliding across the water towards her. Standing at the dock, she shielded her eyes from the sun with one hand while excitedly waving the other above her head.

The boy chuckled as he steered the boat towards the dock. As he approached, he turned off the engine, a smile forming on his lips as he watched Hallie standing there. Confidently clad in her purple bathing suit, proudly displaying her sun-kissed tan, the Routledge girl caught his gaze.

He took a quick moment to appreciate her before locking eyes with her hazel ones. With a mischievous playfulness, he quipped, "Someone need a lift?"

Hallie responded with a coy smile, "It's like you read my mind," before effortlessly hopping onto the boat. Just as she was about to take a seat, a voice from behind them startled them both.

"Hey!" Turning their heads in synchronization, they saw a tall brunet standing on the dock, clutching a buttoned-up shirt in his right hand and stepping closer to the boat.

Pope's eyes lit up with excitement upon seeing his friend. "John B!" he exclaimed. "Coming to join us?"

Despite the scorching heat, John B shook his head, a hint of regret tugging at his expression. "Nah, work calls," he shrugged.

Hallie couldn't resist interjecting with a playful smile, arms crossed over her chest. "Oh, what a shame," she sarcastically remarked. "How will we ever have fun without you?"

John B couldn't help but roll his eyes, fake annoyance clear on his face, as he threw the shirt at his younger sister's head. "Cover up, they'll never let you in the store wearing that," he scolded. His eyes directed down to her attire of a bikini and sneakers.

Hallie failed to catch in time causing an 'oomph' to escape her lips upon the impact. She reluctantly pulled the white, oversized button-down with tiny palm trees off her face, tossing it over her body. As she did so, her older brother's gaze shifted towards the boat's driver. He pointed at Pope with a stern, yet playful tone laced in his voice. "Don't be getting any ideas, P."

The boy could only manage a chuckle as he clumsily adjusted the hat on his head. Rolling her eyes at her brother's words once again, Hallie walked over to Pope and skillfully twisted the key, igniting the engine. The boat roared to life, prompting the teenager to grab hold of the wheel.

"Okay, thanks for the shirt. We're leaving now," The brunette waved dismissively. Pope waved as well as he started to pull away from the dock.

"Be back before sunset!" John B shouted, but his sister simply waved in response, leaning in towards the boy and whispering for him to step on it.

— —

Amidst the vast marsh, the boat stood anchored with the two laying on the bow. On the seats, empty brown paper bags were scattered, while a container of grapes and two almost empty cans sat between them. The radio hummed in the background, providing a pleasant backdrop as they engaged in diverse conversations, touching on every topic under the sun.

Utter disbelief registered on Hallie Routledge's face as she confronted his doubt. Sitting up, she peered down at him, questioning his lack of confidence. "You really don't think I could swim back home from here?"

Resting on his side, Pope Heyward propped himself up with an elbow. Shaking his head, he countered, "No chance. Do you know how far we are?"

She retorted, "You just have no faith in me."

A chuckle escaped his lips. "H, we're like miles away. Even if you were the best swimmer in the world-"

"Which I am," she interjected confidently.

Amused, he rolled his eyes at her self-assurance and continued, "You'd still wouldn't be able to know which way is home."

A playful gleam danced in her eyes. "Care to make a bet then?" she challenged.

With a smile still lingering on his face, he shook his head. "Absolutely not." He knew that if he agreed to the bet, the girl would impulsively plunge into the water without any hesitation. Hallie Routledge was the kind of person who never backed down from a challenge.

Teasingly, she tilted her head. "Scared?" A few drops of water from her damp hair fell on the boy, amplifying her playful demeanor.

When the droplets of water lightly caressed his skin, Pope became aware of the small distance between them. Her face hovered just inches away, her fruity breath softly fanning his skin. His gaze danced over her delicate features, taking in the beauty of it. He had always acknowledged her prettiness, but now he took a moment to truly appreciate her.

Once Pope's eyes finally met hers, Hallie felt a surge of heat rush to her cheeks, seamlessly blending into her sun-kissed complexion. She observed his caramel-swirled eyes, now brimming with emotions that she believed to only catch glimpses of in the past. But this time, as his pupils dilated with unmistakable adoration, she could effortlessly grasp exactly what he was thinking.

Without even realizing it, Pope's hand began to rise, gliding delicately across her cheek. His thumb caressed her skin in a tender gesture, his gaze tracing every movement. They remained suspended in that moment, before his hesitant eyes found their way to her lips, a smile still lingering there.

The Routledge girl understood that the boy in front of her wouldn't proceed unless she had shown him some kind of consent. He needed to be certain of their shared desire—even though they both unquestionably did. Slowly, the brunette started to lean in, inviting the boy to follow suit.

And as if drawn by an invisible force, Pope found himself leaning toward her, like a magnet. His heart raced inside his chest as he closed his eyes, diving into a sensory whirlwind of her floral perfume mingling with the intoxicating scent of saltwater. Finally, their lips met, and in that moment, he surrendered completely, lost in the unmatchable sensation of her soft, warm touch.

(Not edited)
Oop, he got ideas.
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