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Chapter 6 -
September 2019

Pope Heyward's usual tendency to get sweaty hands when nervous had never been as pronounced as it was in this moment. Hallie Routledge, who believed to know the boy in front of her well, could easily read the emotions on his face. While he wasn't one to openly express his emotions, his face often betrayed him. The deep furrow in his brows and the downward turn of his forehead revealed his heightened nervousness.

The nerves bouncing off the pogue didn't go unnoticed by the girl, she just believed it was for another reason. Hallie was well aware she was the boy's first crush. She believed that his nervousness stemmed solely from being in her presence, fueled by his genuine affection for her. However, today, this belief was only partially true.

Little did the pogue girl know that the sweetest boy on the island was about to shatter her heart.

Every time the brunette turned away, the boy couldn't help but find himself wiping his sweaty palms against his shorts. Perhaps he should have expressed his feelings sooner, instead of waiting until after a make-out session.

"Hallie," he finally mustered the courage to speak up. She responded with a soft hum, turning her head away from the water to gaze at him. Her feet dangled off the dock, the soles of her shoe lightly skimming the surface of the silted waters. Her eyes full of adoration fixed on him.

With a heavy sigh, he averted his gaze, unable to meet her eyes. His focus shifted to her chin, avoiding the colorful swirls that would probably manage to make him chicken out. "We can't do this anymore."

A smile slowly formed on her lips, accompanied by a slight giggle. "Can't sit on the pier? I know it's dilapidated but it's not gonna bre-."

"Oh, no, this... this is fine," he quickly cut her off with a stutter, gesturing with his hands. "I-I meant-"

"Okay, what's going on with you today?" Her smile showing reassurance as she shifted her position to face him directly. Assuming a kneeling position, she now focused all her attention on him. "You've been jumpy ever since you picked me up."

The Heyward boy sighed, his voice filled with a tinge of desperation. "Please, just don't be mad at me."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're not about to throw me in for some John B dare, are you?" She cautiously glanced behind him, checking if her brother was lurking nearby to orchestrate some kind of prank.

He shook his head, finally gaining the courage to meet her gaze. "We...we can't do this." He pointed between the two of them. "No more... non-best friend stuff."

Though his words lacked specificity, Hallie Routledge understood their weight all too well. A prominent frown marred her face. "Oh."

He stuttered nervously, trying to quickly justify his words. "I mean, you're my best friend an-and John B and all of them are my best friends too. If anything bad happens between us, it could ruin everything."

Hallie remained silent, unable to comprehend if this was actually happening. Her eyes traced every line on the fifteen year old's face, hoping he would reveal that it was all a twisted joke, but the words never came. And as Hallie remained speechless, Pope pressed on.

Unaware of the sadness emanating from the girl's expression, he was too caught up in his relief from finally voicing his thoughts that he failed to notice her pain. "I also think it's best if we don't hang out alone anymore," he added, his voice tinged with caution. "Just until all this... you know, settles down between us."

Forcing herself to respond, Hallie nodded her head, bobbing in agreement. She forced a small smile onto their lips. "Y-yeah, of course," was all she managed to muster out.

Although it wasn't greatly convincing, his grin widened, oblivious to the girl's hidden emotions. The boy was convinced that everything had gone even better than expected. With a swift motion, he got up from his seat, ready to uphold his words of not hanging out. "So, I'll see you at John B's bonfire tonight?"

As having the honor of being John B's younger sister, she was forbidden from attending parties organized by the pogues. Apparently, she was too young. "Actually, you won't," she confessed. "Wasn't invited."

A spark of realization illuminated his eyes as he recalled Hallie's frequent complaints about her brother's strict rules that prevented her from enjoying the party scene. In a moment of realization, his hand instinctively shot to the back of his neck – he had forgotten she wouldn't be there.

The brunette sensed a fleeting awkwardness in him. Quickly, she plastered on her most convincing fake smile and shook her head. "But I've got other plans," she smoothly added, effortlessly weaving the lie. "I'm sure we'll see each other at the chateau later." She casually shrugged, hoping to sell her words.

The boy nodded, his smile returning to his lips. "'Course. See ya later, H." With a wave, he sprinted away, leaving her behind. As he turned his back, her smile drooped, her gaze following his departing figure. It didn't take her long to realize this was the end of the two of them.

(Not edited)
Next chapter coming shortly!
It's gonna be in the present, no more month jumping!!

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