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Chapter 13 -

The boat sat at the busted down dock in front of Hallie's home, tied down to the wooden boards. The only movement was the light waves pushing it as the girl sat crisscross across from the boy who once knew all too much about her life.

Pope sat with his knees up and his elbows resting against them. Luckily for him, his father store some clothing in the boat allowing him to place on a new pair of shorts. He watched the girl eye down the package that had written across it "Bird and Water Bug"; childhood nicknames given to her and her brother by their father.

Hallie wasn't as close to her father as her older brother was. The two were always off doing their own thing while she was busy spending time in the water. It wasn't that he didn't try to have a relationship with her, he was just too busy tied up in treasure hunting, something he claimed she was too young for.

She wasn't surprised to learn that he left his kids for treasure, but it sure didn't make it hurt any less when he never returned.

"This better not be some sick joke you and the pogues are playing on me," she finally spoke up, looking up at the boy.

Pope simply just shook his head. "I promise you it's not."

She slightly tilted her head. "You know you've been making a lot of promises recently. How about you start with your promise with telling me what all this is?" She tapped over onto the family tree and the package. "Cause I don't get how this has anything to do with y'all?"

Pope took a deep breath as he adjusted the hat on his head. "It's gonna sound crazy, Hal, but you just gotta listen through. No interruptions."

The teen girl crossed her arms over her chest, sitting up a little taller. "It can't be crazier than my missing father's handwriting in front of me so."

So Pope began explaining the beginning of their journey from exploring the shipwreck and finding the compass to breaking into a motel room to the kegger and finally to the family tree Pope found in their house. 

Hallie kept silent as told, only nodding her head every so often, but she was ready to voice her concerns. She knew their friends were only trying to help her older brother, yet she didn't think it was such a good idea. "But we don't even know if my dad is really even out there anymore," her voice was soft, "I know John B still thinks he's around but what if this is all nothing? Is it really worth getting his hopes up for this?"

Before Pope could even answer, another voice sprung out into the air around them causing the two to jump. "Wow P, remind me never to tell you secrets." John B chuckled yet the harsh tone underlie was visible.

The two whipped their heads to see John B looking a bit disheveled and tired standing on the dock with his arms crossed over his chest. He seemed to be standing there long enough to hear all Pope had told the girl.

Pope's mouth hung open but Hallie had beaten him to it. "So you were just never gonna tell me?" She asked her older brother with a tilt of her head. "What you were gonna go on this secret hunt for dad without me?"

A tired sigh escaped his lips. "With all the danger we've faced, it's best to keep you out of it." His voice was stern. "And didn't you just say it was nothing? Getting my hopes up is pointless so why want to be involved?" This time his voice tinged with a bit of annoyance.

"You know that isn't what I meant," she shot back. "Dad's been missing for months, don't act like that hasn't affected me too."

"Please," he rolled his eyes, arms still crossed over his chest. "When has it affected you? You've never asked for dad once."

A scoff escaped her lips. "Why would I ask if no one knows where he is?" She gave him a seriously look. "John, if you seriously think this has only affected you then clearly you need to get your head out of your ass."

"All responsibility has been placed on me," he explained, his tone still harsh. "You just get to fuck around while I have to work to make sure we still have a place to stay, food to eat, and make sure you're still alive. Do you know how hard that is?"

"Oh and how good of a job are you doing with that?" she narrowed her eyes at him. "Cause last time I saw you was when the officer came to check up on us last week. You didn't even bother to text me during that time to see if I was fine."

"A lot has been going on," he began before she cut him off.

"I know," she exclaimed as she stood up, "you're too busy looking for someone who's abandoned us." She began to exit off the boat as she mumbled, "I knew I was right, Nate's just an idiot."

As she hopped onto the dock, John B stopped her, grabbing ahold of her upper arm. "I knew exactly where you were." The look in his eyes were held with seriousness but his younger sister simply tugged her arm away.

Her eyes still narrowed down at him as she looked up to him. "Oh I'm sure Nate and Topper were texting you about how I was alive and breathing." She sarcastically remarked, knowing well how John felt about the Thornton's. "Just send me away like you were planning to."

Just as she was about to walk away again, John B grabbed her upper arm once more, turning her to face him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" His eyes narrowed down at her as she glanced back up at him, frustrated tears rimming around her eyes. "Why would you even think I'm giving you away?"

She blinked back her tears, not wanting to show how much his recent words and actions have been affecting her. "I overheard you and the officer." She shared before taking a pause. "And now you're telling me you have too much responsibility and I haven't seen you in a week-."

Cutting her off, the older boy embraced his sister into an hug. He tightly wrapped his arms around her shoulders, allowing her head to rest against his chest. He thought he was doing what was best for the both of them, but clearly his recent actions have been selfish. He held her for a few moments, before pulling away to face her.

"Hallie, I'm not giving up on you," he began his voice soft. "I'm sorry you think that. It wasn't right to keep you in the dark, but having that officer tell me I'm not good enough to take care of you, scared me and that's why I didn't tell you all this. I wanted to keep you safe and I promise you, I knew exactly where you've been."

She felt her worries fade at his words. Her brother was simply trying to better their situation, bring their dad back, keep her away from trouble she somehow always involved herself in. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders before his last words registered in her mind. Her features turned confused. "So you're okay that I was staying at Nate's?"

"Yes, I'm very much okay with you and Lela sleeping in the basement of Nate's," he smiled at her, seeing the small surprise look in her eyes at her exact whereabouts.

A small laugh escaped her before a small smile tugged onto her lips. "So no more secrets?" She asked.

He shook his head. "No more. But you gotta work with me, kid. No secrets from you either."

"I guess it's a good time to tell you that I snuck into the graveyard with Pope and got the package thingy," she admitted, pointing back to the boat where the quiet boy watched the siblings.

John's eyes widen as he looked over at the boy. "You took her to the tomb?"

Pope placed his hands up in defense. "She was only look out, I swear." His voice was quick. "And she's unharmed."

(Not edited)
Sorry for the wait, a lots been going on but I'm gonna try to post more often! Not the biggest fan of this chapter but showing some love to the siblings. I'll put more sibling moments in as Hallie is slowly more involved w the pogues. Might rewrite it a bit later but for now this is chapter 13!!

Let me know what y'all think

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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