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Midoriya: I DONT HATE HER, I hate you two!

Midoriya covered his mouth and looked terrified at his heart broken dad

Aizawa: Kid...I didn't know you felt like that."

Midoriya: it's fine. I don't care anymore

Midoriya proceeds to get up to walk away.
Aizawa grabs his and and pulls him gently back to the ground.

Aizawa: It's not fine! I was a bad father figure to you and I should've payed attention to and what you felt and thought.

Midoriya: it's fine I promi-

Aizawa: Stop saying that! It's not fine I'm sorry  

Aizawa and Midoriya get up and stand in front eachother

Aizawa pulls midoriya into a long hug as Midoriya cries into his shoulder

Midoriya: I-I sorry I d-didn't mean I hate you guys

Aizawa hugged him tighter and patted his head

Aizawa: let's go talk to the others okay?

Midoriya nodded

Aizawa and midoriya went to the others and they talked about this and how to help each other and let them know when they felt like midoriya.

Eri/Mic: I'm sorry please understand we didn't mean to treat you that way ( but a bit different ya know?)

They all hugged

Aizawa proceed to get a call he walked away from them. They all looked at him to see what's wrong knowing it's serious from his face

Aizawa: okay I'll see you soon

Aizawa went to all of them and looked directly at Eri with a happy teary eye

Aizawa: hey Eri?

Eri: what is it?

Aizawa: so that was the adoption agency. They found a aunt of yours and she'd be happy to take you. She's coming over to see if you want to live with her. If you don't want to live with her you don't have to okay? You'll still see us when we are helping with your quirk so it's not like we'll never see you again

Eri: okay... Ill see

Her aunt comes

Aizawa opens the door

Aizawa: hi come in Eris so excited to see you

Eri stands behind mic

Mic: go ahead you can do it

Eri: h-hi I'm eri

Aunt ???: hi eri! I'm your auntie Mary

Eri: nice to meet you

Aunt Mary: If it's all right with you I would like for you to stay and live with me, is that okay?

Eri looks at aizawa and mic and they both give her an acceptance nod

Eri: y-yes please I would like that a lot!

Aunt Mary: okay let's go then!

Eri says goodbye to Aizawa, Mic, and Midoriya

*As they are walking*

Aunt Mary: so Eri what's your favorite food?

Eri: Candy apples!

Aunt Mary: let's make some?

Eri: yes!

Aizawa and Mic look at midoriya who is looking at them

Aizawa/mic: you know we love you right?

Midoriya: yes I love you guys too

Aizawa and mix proceed to hug Midoriya and they all do something as a family

This has been a great book to write. Please write your suggestions in the comments to write a new book thank you again for 1k readers!

Shout out to

I think that's it.

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