Invited too?

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Rq: so after some long hard thought aizawa and hizashi decided to keep Eri and adopt her as their own

Midoriya pov

After the fight with overhaul we've all been taking care of Eri

I try my hardest though, I mean I did save her.

A couple of nights ago my dads told me that they were going to adopt Eri and you don't know how happy I am to have Eri as my sister

Everyone has been asking me about her, I love talking about her with all my heart but sometimes I just want to talk about something else...

On Thursday Eri sat with me at lunch and there was a crowd just to talk to her, even my friends,

I knew this was gonna go on for awhile so I just started to eat when I started to choke on my food and no one noticed except when Eri asked

Eri: are you alright mr. Deku?

Midoriya: yeah than-

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before everyone crowded around her again and fawned over how adorable she is for caring.

When we were in English I didn't even get to learn anything because dad wanted to flaunt her off and show everyone.

When I got home from school I received multiple texts and calls from my friends! I was so happy when I got their text before I read them but when I read them I wanted to crawl under my bed and die all of the messages see about Eri

'Hey midoriya I would love to make soba for Eri'

'Hello midoriya I would like to show Eri Romeo and Juliet'

'Hi midoriya I created some toys for Eri to play with!'




I texted them all 'yeah!' And 'of course!'

As I drove Eri to the class 1A dorms I couldn't help but think that they never invited me only Eri...

'Maybe it was implied that I can also hang out'

When me and Eri got to the door, I knocked and everyone came rushing to the door

The all grabbed eri in a deep bear hug, greetings after greetings to her but never to me. I walked in but they all had some odd looks on their face.

1A kid: u-umm Midoriya? We kinda just invited eri...we bought a game that only holds as many people as us no one else sorry...

Midoriya: oh okay sorry

1A kid: oh thank you midoriya for understanding! We'll drop her off later bye!!

I closed the door heart broken. They invited Eri but not their first friend

Tears started to escape my eyes.

As I was driving I got a little distracted from crying and hit a tree I was okay but I did need stitches on my cheek.

My dads picked me up but the didn't have any remorse on their face just... disappointment?

Aizawa: Izuku get up we're leaving

Midoriya: o-okay

While we were in the car

Aizawa: How stupid can you be! You crashed into a god damn tree! You know how much that going to cost us! Imagine if eri was in your car

Midoriya: I-im sorry

Aizawa: you're always sorry! It's not f!cking cute anymore! If Eri was there she could've died and it would've been all on you!

Midoriya: ...

They didn't care about me? They didn't ask how I was?

When I went home my parents took away my phone and sent me to bed

When I got sent to bed I slammed my door shut and started to bawl my eyes out

Midoriya: it's not fair!

The cared more about eri than me everyone does I got ready for bed and took a cold shower since the used all the hot water for eri's bath

I closed my eyes tight and fell asleep

When I opened my eyes again I realized I missed dinner and no one woke me up?

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