I knew it was him

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midoriya pov

It's been almost five weeks since I've been captured by the league of villains.

At first I had hope for my parents to save me but now all hope is lost and I have no faith to survive this.

I've been chained to a wall hanging by my wrist and only getting out off the wall when I get tortured by dabi and Toga I think they have the most fun with it.

One day when toga was taking out my blood and slowly taking it out with her syringe she knew it hurt me when she did that but I was so tired I couldn't react anymore .

But right when she finished and got me chained back to the wall we both heard fighting and banging outside the door.

The hero emergency alarm goes off.

Toga quickly unchains me but I've lost too much due to her last drainage I just fell limply to the ground.

Still no reaction to my body.

Toga drags my limp body barely lifeless body
She dropped me and looked in my dead eyes

Toga: Walk!!!

I looked at her blankly. I knew she was speaking but I couldn't comprehend.

My eyes start to droop down but she slaps my face.

I hear the door fall to the ground but I don't have enough energy to turn my head

Toga drops me and runs. While people go and chase her.

Soon after being dropped I feel all the pain I haven't been feeling the past couple of weeks rush to my body.

The pain was too much and black dots covered my side vision

I then feel my dad arms around me in a tight hug.

I knew it was Aizawa but I just could comprehend it just yet.

While being held in his arms I felt like a little kid again and I fell into a deep sleep

Please give suggestions on what I should write!

Hi guys!!! Sorry I haven't been writing much I have been having a lot of test lately and yeah. I know this was short chapter but I already have the outline for the next chapter and Ill work on it some more later!

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