Missed birthday

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Less and less people people started to talk to me and the only time people were talking to me was about eri.

It's been a whole month without eating and the only time either of my dads noticed was when I got dizzy in training and they yelled at me to "be better"

It's my birthday tmrw and none of my family has mentioned it

I tried to give my dads hints but they wouldn't listen and brushed it off as a "not important"

I've started to stay in my room more often only going out for small things like a pencil or a glass of water

Next day
Finally today is my birthday I walk out my room excitedly filled with joy

Walking straight up to my dad

Midoriya: hi dad!

Aizawa: hi? :/

He walks past me to eri

Aizawa: Eri! So me and hizashi have been looking around through some of your medical records and found it's your birthday tomorrow!

Aizawa: so to celebrate on lost time we're gonna celebrate your birthday today and tomorrow

I drop the plate I was holding and it shatters in the ground

And Eri starts to cry

Aizawa: Midoriya! *whispers* sometimes I do understand why Bakugou calls him deku

Midoriya: w-what?

Aizawa: n-nothing midoriya clean this up and go to your room and midoriya as a punishment for this mess I'm sorry but you can't go to Eri's birthday dinner.

Midoriya: *mumbles* good I didn't even want to go

Eri: why does mr. Deku not want to go to my dinner!

Eri cries harder

Aizawa: Becauss mr. Dekus mean and deku is gonna apologize now

I was surprised he had just called me that knowing all the things Kachans done to me

Midoriya: sorry

I go back up stairs tears pricking my eyes. Even though that hurt I had a small amount of hope maybe my friends would want to hang out

Class 1-A chat

Midoriya: hey guys wanna hang out for
my birthday?

Oh sorry no can't.

Oh yeah me too I can't either

Sorry deku!

Midoriya: Oh okay guys it okay

So what are we getting eri for her birthday dinner?

Midoriya: guys...

Midoriya left Conversation

Tears slowly dropping from my eyes dripping down one by one and on to my phone soon I couldn't see and it was just blurry I was shaking too I hated this

I put on my hoodie and some sweat pants

Like this I also put on a black face mask and jump out my window

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Like this I also put on a black face mask and jump out my window

I knew my parents left because their car wasn't there but they didn't even have the decency to say goodbye?

I sighed and ran through the streets of Japan. I ended up on a skyscraper out looking everywhere I was beautiful.

I then really this is the same building All Might found me.
'Do it'

Midoriya: what?


Midoriya: haha no

'You know they don't love you anymore they found someone better'

Midoriya: t-that's no true

'Y-yes it is.'
I looked down and just thought for a second...'it really wouldn't hurt it's a far enough height and even if I chicken out I can save myself

I take off my shoes walking closer and closer to the building inch by inch I felt calmer?

Finally the walking came to an end and I felt the wind on my hair and I closed my eyes in relief. Then I was being carried in the opposite direction by Hawks!?

He set me down on another building

Hawks: what the hell kid!?

My face still covered so he could tell who I was.

Hawks: listen kid I'm gonna call the police and we'll get this sorted out

I let him turn around to make a call and I dashed out of there as fast as I could.

When I got home I went through my window again and found my dads

Aizawa: what the hell Midoriya!?

Hope you like it!


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