We get our son

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"No we're sorry midoriya"

I turn around to see the LOV i'd scream but someone covered my my mouth I felt that scars on the person covering my mouths hands and pulling my hair towards the end of the alleyway

Shigaraki came up to me

"Oh sweet naive Midoriya tsk tsk two families already and neither of them want you. HAHA"

The hand from my mouth lifted and now holding on to my arms

Midoriya: "You don't know that!"

Shigaraki: I don't? Well what's this recoding?

Fake Aizawa Recording: I just can't stand him! Sometimes I seriously wonder why we just didn't leave him there to die! He's just too much!

I start to sob, he really said that? Do they not actually love me?

I then hear Shigaraki "I'm bored with him. Deal with him."

Dabi then kicks my head a couple of times as I slowly start to have black dots across my vision.

The last thing I heard was yoga saying that she can't wait to have my blood

Aizawa pov

As me and Hizashi look everywhere for our son we end up the same place where I found my baby.

Hizashi: it's okay we'll find him...

Aizawa: I-I know but what if he doesn't want to us to find him?

Hizashi: he loves I know it

Aizawa: okay... hey what's that?

I walk to a corner of the alleyway to see midoriyas Brocoli green hair.

We also see a disintegrated trash can we immediately knew it was the LOV

hizashi looks at me and says

Hizashi: listen Shota they're the best of the best villains and they have our son they have extremely powerful quirks and we're only two hero's. what are we gonna do?

Aizawa: we call the others and get our son.

Sorry it was a short chapter I have testing

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