What do you think today is?

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Aizawa: what the hell midoriya!?

I jump almost falling on the ground.

Midoriya: d-dad hi

Aizawa: sneaking out midoriya! What have you turned into?! Im just so disappointed in you

My dad has never told me that before... it hurt more than I thought

That's when I knew that my dads loved Eri more than me...

I went numb I didn't want to feel no more so I shut my feelings out to be dealt with later.

Aizawa: well? What do you have to say for yourself?

Midoriya: sorry

Aizawa: that's it?


Aizawa: tsk. Come on Eri is opening gifts downstairs

I walk downstairs to see all of my classmates huddled around Eri

Midoriya: so much for being "busy"

I walk down and sit at the farthest seat in the room and watch as eri celebrates my birthday.

At the end my dad said "well that's it for presents" and I mumbles out "where's my presents?"

Aizawa: what midoriya?

Midoriya: where's my presents?

Aizawa: what do you mean?

Midoriya: what do you think today is?

Aizawa: it's eris birthday?

Midoriya: no.

Aizawa: what are you getting at?

Midoriya: it's my birthday but you and dad forgot and decided to give my birthday to your golden child!

Eri started to cry

Aizawa: midoriya! Calm down. I understand you're upset but you don't have to yell eri is crying so please

I was shocked he had no remorse towards him forgetting my birthday

1-A kid: midoriya can't you just miss one birthday. You'll be fine. It's not like you're a little kid anymore

AizawA: yeah come on midoriya I think you'll be fine just this once

I felt pain in my heart from what the kid said and what Aizawa didn't do. He knows how I had to give up so much of my childhood because of my parents and how birthdays have always been a really big thing for me.

Midoriya: I fine then I'm not gonna be here

Eri: but mr. Dek-


Aizawa: DEKU! I-I meant Midoriya don't be so mean to your sister

Midoriya: SHE IS NOT MY SISTER! and honestly as far as I know Aizawa you're not even my dad...

I walk up stairs heart broken up what my dad has done.

I start back a bag bringing

I open my window one last time. Looking back to see if my dad would maybe stop me but he didn't... and I left

Pls pls pls write suggestions on what other Wattpad I should do next please!

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