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If you ask most people what their greatest wish is, there are three common answers. The first thing many people wish for is money, Phayu has more than enough money to last a hundred lifetimes. The second thing many people wish for is love, Phayu doesn't believe in love because it is something he has never experienced for himself. The third thing many people wish for is to live forever, Phayu would shake his head and call these last people idiots. Living forever is a curse, in his case that is a literal truth. He has been cursed to move through the world never aging, never dying, unless his cold heart learns how to truly love another. Since this hasn't happened in a thousand years Phayu has long given up hope of ever breaking the curse.

A thousand years. Most people can't truly comprehend that amount of time. Each year to a human is marked off by birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and all those triumphs and defeats they base their lives around. Every decade to them seems long, a century unimaginable. Yet that is how long Phayu has moved among these humans, blending in as one of them. He has watched countless generations being born, growing old and dying.

Phayu takes a sip of his drink pondering the passing of the long years and wondering how many more lay in front of him.

"It's your own fault you know," Prapai tells him as if reading his mind, "You shouldn't have broken the heart of a wizard's daughter. You should have known she had been learning Faerie magic from the time she could walk."

"She was a spoiled brat who thought that I should have been hers for taking. Or should I be like you and sleep with everything that moves?" Phayu asks Pai.

"Not everything " Pai answers with a smirk. "I have never slept with you."

Phayu rolls his eyes at this, "Why are you here again?"

"Hey, it's not my fault that the spell she used bound us together." Pai says picking up his own drink.

"I am pretty sure that bond doesn't require you being here at my house." Phayu says.

"Oh, come on Yu, someone has to keep you company since little Saifah is all grown up with a girlfriend." Pai says.

Phayu frowns at this, Saifah, the street urchin he'd taken in 15 years ago. At first they had told people Phayu was the older brother, taking care of his brother while their parents were out of the country. Then when they had moved to Bangkok to attend the university together they had claimed to be twins. Now Saifah was just beginning to look older than Phayu, they would probably only get away with the twins story for another couple years. Then it would probably be time for Phayu to go away again. They could make up a story that he was working somewhere distant, perhaps he will go to Europe or the US this time, coming back and starting over when everyone he knows now is dead. He will leave the garage to Saifah when he goes. After all, he had bought it for him when Saifah had first said he wanted to be a mechanic. Although the public story is that their parents left it to them.

Phayu decided to change the subject. "Going to the race next month? P'Pakin has some beautiful new bikes lined up."

"Wouldn't miss it." Pai says. Pai loves everything fast. Bikes, cars, people. He has a natural talent as a racer as well that has nothing to do with his magical abilities and everything to do with the way he knows how to listen to the engine.

Phayu prefers building and working with his hands over racing, although he is the one person that can give Pai a run for his money in a race when he is in the mood.

Phayu is on his way home when he sees the older model BMW a little way ahead of him is having trouble. The car jerks slightly then the driver manages to gain control and to move over to the side of the road. Luckily traffic was light and the car had already been going slow because of the torrential rainfall.

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