You can't just leave me

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Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me 
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring (bring) me (me) to life

"Do you ever wonder what it feels like to fall in love?" Pai asks him. 

Phayu raises an eyebrow at this. "You know that I don't believe in love, nothing in my thousand years on earth has changed my opinion on that." Unbidden, an image of a cute boy with a pouty expression comes to mind, but Phayu mentally pushes it away. Desire isn't the same as love. 

Pai looks at his drink thoughtfully. "Maybe it just takes meeting the right person." 

"Are you ready to give up your no strings attached life then?" Phayu asks him. 

Pai thinks for a moment and says, "You're right, a life without strings attached is for the best." 

Phayu is sure that if there was a <i>right person</i> it wouldn't have taken him a thousand years to meet them. If such a thing as a soul mate existed then they would have existed during Phayu's mortal life. 

Phayu takes a sip of his own drink and wonders what Rain is doing tonight. The boy has vowed he will make Phayu fall in love with him in 30 days, now two of those are gone. Has he had second thoughts? Decided to give up? Phayu hopes not, he is sure whatever Rain's next move will be, it will be entertaining. 

P'Aon meets him as he enters the garage. "Your boy was here today."

What Rain came to the garage to see him? Why hadn't he called? He did know that Phayu had a full time job outside of the garage right? 

The next day it is P'Nui who mentions Rain coming by after Phayu had taken the new bike for a test run. 

Day three it is P'Kitt laughing because Rain had mistaken him for Phayu. 

Worst of all is day four, when Rain has once again mistaken someone for Phayu, this time it is no other than Saifah. 

"Your boy is funny," Saifah says with a grin. 

"Looks like I need to remind him that phones exist for a reason." Phayu sighs. 

The next day he sent Rain a text. "If you want to see me, there's an easier way. Think about it carefully."

He then called P'Aon and gave him instructions on what to say if Rain came back to the garage today. 

After that, there was nothing to do but wait. Finally his phone rings, he picks it up but doesn't say anything. 

"P'Phayu, it's me, Rain." Has Rain missed the second part of his clues he has left with P'Aon about being polite? When Phayu doesn't say anything, Rain tries again.  "Where are you, Phi? Hello, P'Phayu? Don't be silent dammit. I gave you a call. What else do you want? Don't tell me that…" Another pause from Rain, Phayu can almost hear hum trying to work it out. "P'Phayu, I came to see you at the auto shop. Where are you, Phi? Can you come meet me… please?"

Finally, was that so hard? Phayu says,  "That's all you had to do. Wait right there, I'll come see you."

Phayu intends to wrap up work early so he can take Rain out to eat, but at the last minute P'Mhok calls him in to look over a design problem in a new project. 

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