Call my name and save me from the dark

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Wake me up inside (save me)

Call my name and save me from the dark (wake me up)

Bid my blood to run (I can't wake up)

Before I come undone (save me)

Save me from the nothing I've become

Phayu clears his throat, causing the couple on the sofa to spring apart. Oatkheam has the grace to look embarrassed and pretend to turn her attention back to the movie that had long been forgotten about, but Saifah only glares at Phayu. For a minute the image of that defiant little street kid Phayu had taken in overlaps with adult Saifah and Phayu wonders how the years had passed so quickly.

"P'Phayu, I thought you went out with P'Pai." Saifah says, making it clear with his tone that Phayu had interrupted a moment.

It's true the two of them had gone out for a drink, Phayu had even briefly considered finding someone to take back to the garage. At the bar though he decided he wasn't in the mood to drink and no one he looked at was Rain. It hadn't taken him long to admit it was the boy he wanted and no one else would do. To his surprise, Pai had been in a similar mood. He had stared at his drink and ignored all the people trying to get his attention. Phayu can't help but to wonder what is going on with the fae.

Phayu decides that Saifah isn't too old to tease. "So enjoying the movie?" he asks Heam with a grin.

She blushes harder and says, "Um, yes it's a good movie." Phayu doubts she could even tell him what movie she is watching.

"Well, don't let me interrupt. Good night kids." Phayu actually laughs at this and turns to go to his room.

The next day Phayu stares at his phone, considering calling Rain to check in on his progress. If he were being honest with himself though he just wants to hear the boy's voice. It had been a week and Phayu was beginning to feel like a plant missing the sunshine. He sighs and forces himself to put the phone back down. Unfortunately, P'Mhok, his boss at the firm, chose that moment to pass by.

"You'll live a short life if you sigh often." P'Mhok says.

"I still have more years to shorten compared to you, Phi." Phayu responds with irony.

P'Mhok guesses that Phayu has a problem related to love. Phayu still doesn't know about the love part but he is no longer denying to himself that it's at least a possibility. Rain has become someone very special to him. The boy has moved into Phayu's life and made himself at home there. Now that it's necessary for them to be apart for the boy's own good, Phayu misses him deeply.

Phayu gives in and discusses the issue with his boss. He doesn't give away many details, just that Rain is a freshman and an architecture student, but it feels nice to talk about it with someone other than Pai or Saifah.

When P'Mhok presses for more details though, Phayu changes the subject by asking about a house they have recently started renovating. P'Mhok doesn't miss this and laughs over the sudden change of subject. His boss is too perceptive at times.

At first Phayu thought he was seeing things. Rain wouldn't dare come here when Phayu had specifically told him to stay away and concentrate on his studies. This would be Rain's busiest time yet with exams and final projects coming up. Phayu had to stop himself from pulling Rain into a hug, pointedly ignoring him when Rain called his name.

Phayu thought maybe Rain would give up when P'Aon and P'Nui passed on his message that Rain wasn't allowed in the garage office, but to his surprise the silly boy found a chair from somewhere and sat in the corner of the garage just out of the falling Rain. He was on his laptop but from here Phayu couldn't tell if he was working or playing games.

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