How can you see into my eyes like open doors?

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How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb
Without a soul (soul), my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

It was a very busy week for Phayu, he had to check out the bikes for P'Pakin's race next week and somehow still had to find time to make the codeline meeting. He often finds himself stopping by the garage on nights that he would rather go straight home but the work for P'Pakin is important too. Besides, Phayu loves working with engines, especially on the big bikes used for the races.

At the garage he sees his head mechanic, P'Aon working under a vehicle. He asks if Phayu is there to check the work, Phayu of course knows he means on the new bike the P'Pakin said he was sending over.

"I'll take you to it. He won't let anyone but you touch his baby." P'Aon takes him to a beautiful red, white and black bike. Phayu can't wait to get his hands on it. "Here's the new bike. I hope you have fun." P'Aon knows him well. Phayu tells him he needs to do his best so there won't be any problems with the 'big shots'.

Phayu can't help but to grin when P'Aon asks if he means, "The Mafia?" He has never been able to keep any secrets from his head mechanic. He is the only human besides Saifah that knows Phayu's secrets, since he is the one who helped establish the cover story of Phayu and Saifah inheriting the garage from their parents. Phayu gets to work checking over the bike.

Phayu goes straight from work to the code line meeting but he is still running late, it's pouring down Rain again and Phayu wishes he had brought his range rover instead of his bike today. Especially since he is hoping to have a certain cutie accompanying him back to his crash pad tonight. This morning he had thought he would have time to stop by the garage and clean up a bit and switch vehicles but a last minute client emergency had left him leaving work much later than he had planned. If he tried to stop by the garage now he would miss the gathering all together and he couldn't let that happen.

As he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant he spots a familiar black BMW. He is surprised to see it is still sporting the spare tire he had put on it nearly two weeks ago. Rain apparently knows nothing about vehicles. This gives Phayu an idea, he tests the door and sure enough it's unlocked. It's a miracle Rain hasn't been robbed, although an older model, the BMW is still an expensive vehicle.

Phayu pops the hood and frowns as he sees how bad of shape the engine is in. It looks like the radiator has been leaking and the battery is years past its lifespan. Phayu wants nothing more than to get this car back to his garage and give it some well needed TLC. If his plan works out he will do just that. He reaches in and removes a spark plug. With that part in his pocket is sure Rain isn't going anywhere without him.

Phayu enters the restaurant and can't help but to smile as he spots Rain. He hopes it just comes off as a reaction to his seniors and juniors teasing him about being late. Phayu laughs and jokes with a few of these and returns the greetings of the girl he barely knew because she had been a freshman during his frantic fifth year. She would be a second year now of course.

Rain says excitedly, "Hey, you're that P'Phayu!"

Now that Phayu knows the junior isn't going anywhere without him he can't help but to tease Rain a little bit, "Yes, my name is Phayu. And who are you, Nong?"

Phayu takes note of the disappointed look on Rain's face, and the way the junior's eyes follow him around the room as he visits with the other people of the codeline. He is sure Rain is as into him and he is into Rain. He begins to look forward to the time they will have together tonight Possibly not just for tonight there is a good chance Rain could become a regular hook-up. Maybe even a friend with benefits. Phayu isn't opposed to the idea at all.

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