Wake me up inside (save me)

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Wake me up inside (save me)

Call my name and save me from the dark (wake me up)

Bid my blood to run (I can't wake up)

Before I come undone (save me)

Save me from the nothing I've become

Phayu decided to work on Rain's car himself. It's not that he doesn’t trust P'Aon and his other workers, they are all professionals and capable of working the luxury cars that often come into the garage. It's that working on Rain's car feels personal. He doesn't want to hand the work off to anyone else. 

He knows Rain will try to avoid him when he comes to pick up his car. He even tells P'Aon so when he hands over the paperwork for the BMW and tells the mechanic not to charge Rain for the work. 

So he isn't surprised when P'Aon comes to him and tells him that Rain wouldn’t see him. 

P'Aon can't resist asking, "Did you do something to the boy?" 

Phayu says, "I haven't even done anything yet." He gives the mechanic a mischievous wink. He knows P'Aon will pick up on the <i>yet</i>. 

It's time to put step one of his plan into action. He has copied Rain's phone number from the paperwork and he gives the boy a call now. 

Phayu finds the conversation that follows particularly entertaining. He starts off by telling Rain that only an ill-mannered boy would visit without greeting the homeowner. 

Once Rain finally realizes who is calling he accuses Phayu of stealing client information and being unprofessional.

Since that's the way he wants to play it, Phayu says, "Client, did I tell you that we must discuss the repair costs?"

Rain says, "Didn't you say it was free?" The boy is so cute.

Phayu reminds him that there is nothing free in the world. Causing Rain to ask how much it is. 

Phayu  "It's not <i>how much?</i> but it's <i>What will it be?</i> instead." He knows that Rain will jump to the worst conclusion and he isn't disappointed when Rain says he can pay with money.

Phayu has Rain just where he wants him, he isn't letting him off that easily. "I don't want money."

Rain says, "Then what do you want?"

Phayu grins, this is going perfectly, "It's nothing difficult. From now on, Rain, you must speak like an educated boy. I don't want anyone to say that my code junior lacks respect. That's all." Phayu hangs up before Rain can protest. He is sure Rain is having a fit over being told to be polite. 

Saifah catches his grin and says, "Will you look at that? Whose older brother is in a good mood?" Saifah has always called him older brother, now they just used the excuse that Phayu was the twin born first. 

Phayu says, "But not as good as yours." Phayu isn't ready to talk about Rain with Saifah and usually this will send Saifah off into a Oatkheam hung the moon speech. 

Today however Saifah won't be deflected he says, "If you want to be in a good mood like me, be serious about someone. By the way, how many years have you been single?" Saifah knows as well as anyone that he might as well ask, <i>how many centuries</i>. 

Saifah catches Phayu smiling at his phone and says, "Hold on, P'Phayu. Is there something you haven't told me yet?"

Phayu tells him if there is anything he will tell him. Then makes the excuse that he needs to check on the mechanics in the garage. 

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