Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me

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Only (only) you are the life among the dead
All of this time, I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Don't let me die here

If you ask Phayu he would say he isn't normally the type to show off. Something about being around Rain makes him long to appear cool. So although he wasn't sure about bringing Rain to the race initially, he did enjoy the opportunity to show Rain this part of his world.

As they enter the mechanic area, Rain asks about when the race starts and wonders that it doesn't take all night to clear up.

Phayu can’t help but to brag about how efficient they are at setting up and clearing the race. By the time the city wakes up and begins the morning rush hour, there will be no trace left that there was ever a race here.

He tells Rain the whole event takes no more than four hours from setup to cleanup.

Rain's eyes grow round at this, "That's crazy! How is that possible?"

Before Phayu can answer, a voice says, "We make what's impossible possible." Phayu looks up to see P'Chai, P'Pakin's right hand man and head guard.

Phayu greets the man, "Hello, P'Chai." Then introduces Rain, "Rain, this is P'Chai, P'Pakin's right-hand man. The organizer of the event. And this is, Rain, my lover." Phayu is amused that Rain seems scared of P'Chai, the silly boy even moves behind Phayu to hide. Now he understands how dangerous the people at the race can be.

P'Chai greets Rain, by the look in his eyes he is also amused by Rain's behavior, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Rain gives a polite wai and says in a small voice, "Hello."

Saifah chooses this moment to come up and say in a teasing tone, "It seems that little Rain is scared of you, P'Chai." Saifah has been coming to the races since they were in the university. His good friend Oat used to be the number one racer until he semi-retired. Pai has taken on number once since then.

P'Chai says, "Am I that scary?"

Saifah teases, "It's easier to say, How are you not scary," P'Chai gives a laugh at this. "Phi. So where's your boss?"

P'Chai says, "His boy got sick suddenly, so he didn't come. I have some guests to greet. Let's talk later." As he walks away, Phayu notices the guard that chased Rain last time side glance at the two of them with an amused look. So no hard feelings there, that's good Phayu depends on the guards to help look after Rain if he and Saifah get busy.

Rain gets his attention and says, "P'Phayu, is he the one you said can make people disappear if they cause him trouble?" Oh so that's why Rain had been scared of P'Chai, or at least one reason. Even Phayu admits the man feels dangerous.

Phayu says, "Do you understand what I said now? But there aren't just scary things at this event. Come on. I'll introduce you to my friends." He introduces Rain to Aek and Tho. He and Saifah had gone to school with the twins and moved among the same friendship groups even if they had all been in different faculties.

Phayu soon has to get to work as the crowd starts filing in. He needs to make sure that every bike is in top condition and ready to race. Rain wanders over to one of the trucks and Phayu sees Pai approach him, probably to ask his question. Phayu is admittedly curious but he is too busy now to find out what the Fae wants from Rain. He turns his attention back to the bike.

He is just standing to tell one of his workers something when he is grabbed and a voice says, "Fucking asshole! It's you! I thought you were a big shot. But you're just a lowly mechanic. Someone like you dared to teach a person like me a lesson?"

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