Chapter 8 - A Shot in the Dark

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Warnings: Nah ur good fam

Rating: G/PG (It's ironic how innocent these chapters are because honey there is a storm coming and it's name is hurricane NC-17/Mature)

a/n - Ha. Bet you thought I was gone. Nah. I'm not leaving this unfinished. I care way too much about this bad boy. So, whether you like it or not, Limp's gonna be here for a bit longer.. Even though I regret the name, though, lmao. Also this isn't my best so... sorry ahah.
Also,,, I will give every single one of you a passionate mental hug as you deserve it for waiting this long for my lazy ass to write.


It was stupid. Unbelieveably stupid in fact. So stupid, that Thomas was practically rolling around in his own regret and self-hatred. Here he was, the night of Winter Formal, all tux'd up and snazzy like, about to pick up his gorgeous best friend and have a damn good time if it killed him. But instead of really doing any of those things, he sat on the edge of his bed, staring with burning hatred at his cellphone, thinking of the perfect string of letters to send to some stupid senior he met a few times in a parking lot and once when he basically busted his brains out on an icy pole.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of anything. Not a single witty joke or clever icebreaker or even a simple hey. Everything seemed so hard with Newt. Talking, thinking, breathing- It was all like an uphill climb for Thomas, and he had absolutely NO idea why. He barely knew him for more than a few days, and knew virtually nothing about him.

He liked Fall Out Boy. Check. He drove a black car of unidentifiable model. Check. He liked chemistry and plays Halo a lot. Check. He smokes. Minus check, but that could always be fixed. He had an (admittedly incredibly attractive) accent. Check. He has a limp...check?

Thomas deleted the sevententh draft and threw his face into his pillow. Why couldn't Newt just text first? Isn't that code or something? Was Thomas the girl in this situation? All he wanted was to create some light banter before he went off to some useless dance just to pretend he didn't have a strange curiosity in a boy that almost no one had ever heard of.


Thomas eventually gave up, and sulked all the way from Teresa's to Winter Formal.

WHS was known for being ridiculously wealthy, being able to afford all sorts of ridiculous things like pointless statues, sports equipment, and bizarre science tools, like strange serums and machines that no one was supposed to touch aside from faculty. Because of this, their dance ended up being held in the most prestegious hotel known to man. Atleast, high-school level man.

The ballroom was littered with all of Thomas and Minho's stupid decorations, along with a raised stage and a DJ that looked far too excited to be having a gig at a High School dance. Teresa clung onto Thomas' arm, as he scanned the floor for any familiar faces.

There was Gally, arms crossed in the corner, looking absolutely miserable. Alby, dancing warmly with his debate club, and the little Freshmen Chuck, who just looked excited to be alive, let alone there.

Thomas smiled at the sight of his friends. No matter how bad things felt as of late, they always seemed to be the one's that grounded him to reality. And he loved that about them.


A voice cut through Thomas' moment of appreciation, to find Teresa looking at him curiously.

"Your phone's been going off now for about 2 minutes. And I know you're all fancy popular but you should probably pick it up." Teresa smirked, before signaling that she was going to have actual interractions with other people, unlike Thomas, who just kinda...pretended to have them. Mentally.

He clicked his phone only to squint at the brightness of the screen. The only new notifications were a missed call and a text from Minho, and a simple text from Limpy Outcast.

"Oh shit."

Thomas huffed, before shakily unlocking his phone to view the heart-stopping note. His eyes panned over the words almost too quickly to comprehend what he was even reading.

"Hey Tommy, you went to the dance right? Having fun? :^)"

Newt was almost too gentle and kind that Thomas could feel his heart exploding rainbows and kittens right there.
"I suppose. A little let down you didn't come."

There. That wasn't too clingy or weird. It was plain and honest. Thomas sighed a sigh of relief as he collapsed in a nearby chair off to the side of all of the action. He tugged at his tie, feeling a little stressed already, and he hadn't been there for more than a half an hour.
Shortly after, his phone pinged with a new alert, sending Thomas into a short panic. What if that was too weird?
He grimaced at the screen, before opening his eyes to the message.

"Haha, when did I say I didn't come?"

And almost immediately, Thomas jerked his head up to the sight of a dressed up Newt, hands in his pockets, smiling warmly at him.

Limp - Newmas High School!AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon