Chapter 10 - In a Melody of Tears...

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Warnings: Cursing, violence (mentioned), suicide attempt (mentioned), child abuse (mentioned)

(also overuse of the ellipses bc why not)

Rating: 16+ (T)

a/n - Sorry for the gaps in posting, ive been busy as heck. :p


It might've been a park if wasn't for the lines of headstones standing idle like shadowy figures in the cold.

Thomas had spaced out for the last couple of blocks, his legs starting to give way from the exertion and running in a tuxedo while winter rain froze him to death. His hair was slicked to his forehead, the rain rolling down his face, mixing with bitter tears.

This shouldn't have bothered me.

His faint whisper echoed through the courtyard of the cemetery. He stood in a mossy brick circle, clad with a stained porcelain fountain, flowing water slowly into it's basin. Thomas took a seat on the fountain's edge, not caring about how wet or ruined his dress pants would get.

He felt lost. He had never felt such an attraction to anyone before, and akin to Thomas' bad luck, he had to be the last person Thomas was expected to fall in love with. The words of the students, the hatred and the curses, the taunts, they burned like bullets in his mind. Thomas wasn't sure what he wanted anymore.

He shivered gingerly, thinking about how dumb the whole situation was. Here he was, on a rainy night sitting in the middle of a goddamn graveyard of all places.

Thomas heard the sound of a car pull up behind him into the grassy clearing of the cemetery. His instinct was to run. It was always running. He felt his legs start to move on their own, his shivers controlling his speed. Midway through the clearing, he stopped.

He expected to see the beat up lemon that was Newt's awful black car. Instead, a large truck flashed it's lights at him. Thomas shielded his face with his sleeve, squinting at the sudden change in lights. He heard the click of the door and the crunch and slosh of the wet grass.

"What the hell are you doing out here, hermano?"

Thomas lowered his arm, adjusting his vision to the man in front of him. There Jorge stood, jogging towards Thomas. The young boy breathed a sigh of relief. Atleast he wouldn't get kidnapped and murdered in a shallow grave tonight. Public embarassment and harassment was good enough for one day.

Jorge whipped his heavy coat off, throwing it around Thomas' shoulders as he walked him back to the truck. "The hell are you thinking? You're going to freeze to death out here, muchacho." Jorge retorted, jumping into the driver's seat. Thomas shuddered again from the cold, Jorge looking at him with forlorn eyes. He turned the ignition on but leaving the car in park, allowing warm air to fill the car. Thomas sighed at the warmth, wiping the rain off of his face with an old rag Jorge had given him.

"You haven't answered any of my questions yet." Jorge sighed. Thomas looked dreadfully out the car window, closing his eyes, stinging from the rain.

"I did a bad thing." Thomas muttered, his breath fogging up the glass.

"So...the logical thing was to run to the cemetary?" Jorge scowled. Thomas slouched into his seat, his wet clothes becoming more and more uncomfortable.

Limp - Newmas High School!AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon